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Warm, Relaxed, Numb
Tramadol & Cannabis
Citation:   GotBud?. "Warm, Relaxed, Numb: An Experience with Tramadol & Cannabis (exp83329)". Jan 18, 2021.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  150 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
Tramadol and Weed

This is my first time combining tramadol with another drug, and I can say it was a positive experience.
Here's what happened.

It's a Saturday afternoon and I've just come back from a long drive.
I get home and I'm bored, so I decide to grab a bong and go down to the beach for a few cones. Once I get to the beach I head over to the usual spot me and my friends go to. I smoke 2 cones and leave because it's a hot day and there 3 cars with people hanging round them about 5 metres from where I am. It's about 4pm at this time.

Once I get back home from the beach I go to the kitchen and grab 3 of my dog's tramadol tablets. (CSL Tramal tablets. For humans or animals.)

I wait until about 7:00 PM before I take them. At this time I have pretty much come down from the weed. So, after my dinner I take the 3 tablets (150mg) and wash them down with apple juice.
I know I have to wait about 2 hours for the effects to kick in, so I sit down and watch some tv. At an unknown time, between about 8:30 and 9:30 PM I had my first cone since the tramadol.
After coming back in and waiting about 15 minutes I can start feeling the weed to kick in, but it's different from normal.
After a while I forget I've had the cone and start feeling the tramadol peak. I'm feeling warm, relaxed, numb and feel like talking. I get on MSN and start talking to my friends and wait for mum to go to bed so I can start smoking more bud.

At approx 10:30 pm mum goes to bed and I'm sitting in my room smoking cones. Between 10:30 pm and around 2:00 am I have 6 or 7 cones. Normally after this many I would be completely baked and ready to go to sleep. But due to the tramadol I felt completely different. I had a buzz from the weed the whole time, and cotton mouth. But my head seemed clear, and able to function well. This isn't usual for me after I've smoked weed. I can usually only concentrate on one thing for a short period of time before I forget what I was thinking of and then start doing something completely different. Another difference I found was that my heart was beating slower than usual. It would have been going at approx 60 B/PM. Usually after I've smoked that much it would be a lot higher, maybe 80+ B/PM.

At about 2 I made a phone call and talked until about 6:00 am. Then I went to bed, woke up at 1:30 and had a headache and felt like I had only got 2 hours sleep.

I can't really describe how I felt from 10:30 until I went to bed. It doesn't seem to be a dangerous combination and I had a good time. Next time I had tramadol and weed I will definitely try this again.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83329
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 18, 2021Views: 1,076
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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