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My Dreams Splattered on My Face
by Z
Citation:   Z. "My Dreams Splattered on My Face: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp83351)". Apr 29, 2018.

2 tablets oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Ill tell you about last nights adventures with this drug. So I am currently under house arrest. It sucks ass but I tricked the test and my drug test results came back negative, so now all I have to do is wait and take whatever drugs I cant find. So I came across Ambien and immediately I popped 2. I cant even remember if that was the first time, but it was definitely my first time popping Ambien by ITS SELF with no other drugs involved.

So I was in my bed talking to my friend online and she was telling me how horrible her life has been. So I decided to cheer her up, I guess. I grabbed all sorts of Arts n Crafts and went crazy on my face. I had poker chips glued on my forhead, a pawn-looking thing as my unicorn corn, I had tribal marking all over my face. I WAS the angry Indian man who has been forced to work into casinos, I drew a long, red, demented looking smiley face on my chin and then two blood drops coming out of my mouth. I marketed my eyelids and my bags under my eyes dark creepy colors that showed the droopy-ness in my eyes- the eyes are the window to the soul and the dark colors were the window curtain. But in the center of it all, a bright yellow glittery nose to top it off. Dunno why I did all of that. And I still don’t understand. Was it just a performance for my sad friend? Was I the clown? Or was I the sad clown joining in on my sad friends misery.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83351
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 836
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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