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Sunday Church of Acid
LSD, MDMA, Unknown & Mushrooms
Citation:   Hypersphere. "Sunday Church of Acid: An Experience with LSD, MDMA, Unknown & Mushrooms (exp83382)". Oct 5, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00 125 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 48:00 3 hits oral Unknown (blotter / tab)
  T+ 50:00 3 g oral Mushrooms  
Somehow it’s always at 2 in the morning, when I can’t sleep, and instead start to reflect on my follies.

Background: I am male, at the time of this experience 24 years old and weighing around 128 pounds, in good mental and physical health. I take no prescription or OTC medications, but generally use yerba mate and marijuana on a daily basis. I had also been getting into kratom a lot these days, using it perhaps two to four days out of the week. I have experienced a wide range of psychoactive substances but it is the psychedelics that fascinate me and keep me coming back for more. I consider myself very familiar with mushrooms, LSD, DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, syrian rue and caapi alone or in combination with the aforementioned tryptamines, hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, Trichocereus cacti, 2C-I, MDMA, methylone and Salvia divinorum. I also have limited experience with 2C-E, DO-x blotters, nitrous oxide, yopo and cebil seeds, ketamine and DXM.

Substances ingested and timeline:
T + 0:00 (Saturday) LSD, 2 hits
T + 2:00 (Saturday) MDMA, approximately 125 mg
T + 48:00 (Monday) 3 unknown blotters, sold as LSD but suspected to be DOI
T + 50:00 (Monday) Mushrooms 3 grams

Setting: At the time of this experience, I was living in a community house. It was a five-bedroom house, and the number of people paying rent varied from as low as five to as high as ten in the time we lived there. The more people we packed in, the less any of us had to work to pay rent, and so most of us worked part-time at best and had lots of free time to just hang out. When you take into account the many, many house guests, our weekly potluck suppers and various people’s pets, it was not uncommon to have thirteen or more living beings sleeping there on a given night. To be sure, it was an epic and sometimes challenging environment to live in.

Mindset: Most people in our house were really into psychedelics, and those who didn’t partake themselves were very much open and accepting of what the rest of us were doing. I tripped on average at least once a week while we lived there, and often times more than that. We started a tradition called the Sunday Church of Acid, where those interested would get together and have a group trip on Sundays, spending time hanging out and philosophizing with each other, listening to music, painting, sketching or doing other creative craft projects. Sometimes our Sunday churches would also include leisurely breakfasts, yoga, walks around town or other activities such as “karma yoga” (aka cleaning the house up). Sunday was our day of collective rest and relaxation, a time to connect with each other and work on artistic projects.

It had been exactly one month since I had last used psychedelics. Now that may not sound like a long time to most people, but for me taking a month break was unprecedented, the longest I had gone without tripping in more than a year. My reasons for taking a break were many-faceted, but mostly revolved around me doing too much, too often. To paint a picture of my last experience: Sometimes, all your roommates go to bed. And instead of going to bed, sometimes one might instead stay up all night, eating caps of MDMA, tabs of LSD, and handfuls of magic mushrooms. In which case you might find yourself, at seven in the morning, being in an uncomfortable space. To say the least.

I felt that my use of psychedelics, particularly MDMA, was getting really compulsive and out of control. The quality of effects I was receiving from MDMA and other psychedelics had dropped off. Tripping so frequently, there is not a lot of new material for my mind to process, and tolerance was definitely an issue as well.
Tripping so frequently, there is not a lot of new material for my mind to process, and tolerance was definitely an issue as well.
I was beginning to notice negative effects on my emotions, being moody and having low energy levels after my weekend mind-benders. My interpersonal relations with loved ones were suffering too, as well as my job performance. I needed to take a break to level myself out again. Being tired and burnt-out two days of every week was no longer working for me.

The Experience: It’s supposed to be the Sunday Church of Acid, but this was a long weekend. So we figured we could go to Sunday church twice: Once on Saturday, and then again on Monday. Let’s start with Saturday…

There are three men who live in the house, myself, Star and Dante. Although not related by blood, it feels like they are the two brothers I never had. Saturday morning Star invited Dante and I to go “marauding” through the city. It sounded like a fine idea. Star had been gifted a bag of MDMA, of which he took some and then hopped in the shower. Soon he was coming up and ready to go marauding (with Dante driving). We stopped at a craft shop so Dante could pick up some materials for his leatherwork, and also went to check out an outdoor piece of sculpture art. It was called “The Device to Root Out All Evil” and was a small-scale model of a church, stuck upside down by it spire into the grass, as if God in his wrath had thrown the church down from heaven to pop some Satan-pimple on the ground!

Dante and myself had no intention to trip today. However, trouble started when we stopped in for coffee and conversation at a friend’s house. Likeable guy, devoted to his daughter, coming out of a divorce and stressful times. Opening up to using psychedelics not just as recreation, but something deeper…

So he was showing us some blotter, the ink was green and each tab had a different symbol on it. Little geometric mandalas, the grateful dead bears, peace signs, the zig-zag guy and others. He ended up spontaneously giving us each two tabs to experiment with, just because he’s a nice guy.

Star dropped his almost immediately as we got back in the truck. I hadn’t intended on taking mine that day, but all of a sudden that little voice-of-wisdom in the back of my head started saying “Eat the acid. Just eat the acid already.” And so I did. Oh boy, here we go. Since I had dropped, Star was now egging on Dante, asking him if he was going to drop with us. Dante said he was thinking about it. We stopped at a second-hand book store and browsed. Somewhere in the process, Dante lost his two hits of LSD. Oh well, someone at the book store will be pleasantly surprised! We got back in the truck and drove home.

Back in the comfort of our own home, Star and I soon concluded that the acid was noticeable, but pretty weak. Star offered the obvious solution: To each take ~125 mg of MDMA. Dante was in. Was it the right time for me? Was I ready to do MDMA again, and could I avoid falling back into the trap of doing too much, too often? I decided to do the MDMA. I had no conscious intent, but was simply going with the energy flow and with what felt right today. I was trusting that I was making the right decision. Now time for the three of us to walk down the hill and get some tea!

There was a humorous moment, as I stood at the counter of the coffee place riffling through the box of teas, seeking out some Moroccan mint. All of a sudden, 0 to 60 as the MDMA kicked in. All of a sudden, Dante is holding out a handful of change to the servers saying effusively “You’re time is so valuable to us! We really appreciate your time!”

I coral Dante by the honey and spoons. “You holding it together, man?” I query.

He replies, “Yeah… yeah, just barely.” We took our teas outside to bask in a little late-season sunshine.

An acquaintance came up. We both smiled wide-eyed at him, each grasping one of his hands. “What’s up guys?” He queried.

“I don’t know…?” we replied, with shit-eating grins on our faces.

In return, “I don’t know either, but I can sure feel it!” Our smiles broadened.

We soon stumbled upon another friend, Jesse. I greeted her by nuzzling her shoulder. Looking into my eyes, she says “What’s up Papy?”

And I say, “I’m just glad to see you!” It was a strange scene, with three men crouched and two dogs at the feet of two beautiful women wearing sunglasses.

Jesse looked quizzically at the three of us. Carefully pulling down her sunglasses, she brought her eyes close to Dante’s, for closer examination. She checked one pupil, then the other. Finally, the verdict: “I’m suspicious. Are you guys tripping out?” Again we smile and then admit that we are really tripped out, yes, thank you.

It was getting chilly so we beat a hasty retreat to home base.

While philosophizing and smoking dope at the kitchen table, one of our roommates Nessie arrives home from doing several hours of Tai Chi. We immediately engage her in vigorous conversation. Star comments on just how beautiful and radiant she is looking today, after the Tai Chi. He asks to take a smell imprint of her, slowly sniffing her neck. “Woah,” she says, “you guys are fucked!”

Our evening gentled down slowly, a few friends over for conversation and ganja smoking. I commented that we had six men in the room, but two seconds later my female cousin walked through the door. And then we were seven. Seven is a good number for metaphysical work, as I sat and meditated I started feeling myself enter a highly activated energetic state. However, when the circle disintegrated the moment was lost.

The next night, Sunday night, I was enjoying the full, traditional Thanksgiving dinner with my blood relatives. I went to bed and was soon asleep from tryptophan turkey goodness.

The next morning, we decided to walk down the hill, grab a booster juice, and drop three tabs each of this blotter I’d been holding onto for awhile. The print on it was a rampant lion similar to the Scottish flag. I felt something funny as soon as I put it in my mouth. For one, the paper was super thick blotter. Also, instead of the electric-tingly-tongue feeling I associate with acid, there was a slight bitter taste. Oh well… sketchy blotters wouldn’t have ended up in our mouths unless we were ready for whatever the experience might bring. The supposition that somebody had switched the true eucharist for some other drug didn’t seem to faze me.

Our city is a windy and a chilling place in the late fall/early winter time, and the worst hasn’t even begun! Therefore, we walked back in the direction of home seeking warmth and comfort. On the balcony now, enjoying a few rays of sun and hanging out with my brothers who feel called to commune frequently with the plant spirit Nicotiana tabacum. Now I began to really feel the blotters taking effect. It definitely felt phenethylamine. Warm, centering, mildly empathetic. Unlike 2C-E, there seemed to be no body load or discomfort at all. It was a very gentle and pleasant substance.

Well, nice as this substance was, and we speculated some DO-x (probably DOI due to the gentle nature and extremely long duration) was likely, it had a draw back. Sure our bodies felt nice and high, but mentally we were strangely lucid and clear headed. I suggested making some mushroom tea with mint from the garden, to which Star replied “Fuck yeah! And it that doesn’t get us high, then I give up.”

Never fear. Three grams each of good mushrooms will always get us high. Soon the house had become alive, breathing and rippling all around me. I was admiring the way the golden afternoon sunshine came through the doorway, glistening off the tile floor. Wait a minute, our floor isn’t normally that shiny! I must be tripping!

Then came a moment where we all fell silent, and breathed together. The whole house would expand and contract with the rhythms of our lungs. Looking at the ceiling, I noticed that I was capable of controlling the visual distortions. By concentrating my intent, I could make whatever pattern I wanted to see twist and squiggle in the ceiling stucco.

Dante, Star and myself seemed to be coming into perfect perceptual synchronicity with one another. A couple key words, or perhaps a facial expression, would be enough to allow the others to perceive that thought clearly. We were working together, flowing seamlessly as one unit.
A couple key words, or perhaps a facial expression, would be enough to allow the others to perceive that thought clearly. We were working together, flowing seamlessly as one unit.

So we are having a fun, relaxing trip. Contentedly watching Planet Earth, smoking combination lotus and ganja doobies, and generally philosophizing.

Those damn sketchy blotters last too long! I ate them 28 hours ago and still haven't gone to sleep. For hours I just listened to the sound of rain/sleet whipping against the house, driven by the first stormy weather of the late season. Work was a little tough to get through the next day, due to sleep deprivation and having all my muscles aching.

Would I do it all again? Abso-Fuckin-Lutely! Wouldn’t miss a second of it. Welcome to the Church of Acid. We come together to celebrate the divine. I give – and receive – Love.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Oct 5, 2022Views: 516
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LSD (2), MDMA (3), Mushrooms (39), Unknown (120) : Glowing Experiences (4), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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