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Very Nice, Very More-Ish!
Citation:   Grandad K. "Very Nice, Very More-Ish!: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp83472)". Dec 21, 2010.

  repeated insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
    oral Tea  
I heard about Mephedrone and, having experienced a range of substances over the years (although not much recently), I mail-ordered one gram.

Postman rang my bell at 8.15am on a Saturday morning, so I got up, took delivery, made a cup of tea and did a smallish line - perhaps 50mg. A minute or two later, I came up with a strong rush, so much so that I seriously thought of lying on the floor in case I fell out of the chair! I settled for my big comfortable sofa; I sat there for over half an hour by the clock, waiting for the powerful but pleasurable buzz to subside enough that I could go into the kitchen to make another cup of tea. I would strongly recommend NOT drinking a lot of alcohol before taking a hit of mephedrone - the combined effects could be very unpleasant and disorienting.

I did a second line and that wasn't as immediate as the first but it did result in a warm, empathetic feeling coming over me - I guess this is what E users call 'being loved up' I would happily have hugged a complete stranger!

I'd told myself that I would pace myself, just do one or maybe two small lines to get a feel for it. By about 5pm, I'd done about 10 or a dozen lines, about 500mg all in. I licked my fingers and rubbed some on my gums, coke-style, which helped to even out the experience. I had to go out, so I got the bicycle out and cycled into town - no problem controlling it, no paranoia about traffic, just a pleasant, easy ride. I had a couple of small beers when I was out and they didn't seem to have much effect - certainly nothing unpleasant.

Got back home about 10.30, did another line, again, quite a rush - I guess laying off for 4-5 hours had cleared out my system. I ended up staying up until about 2am, doing more until I went to bed, telling myself I'd leave the rest of the bag for a couple of weeks before trying any more. Got up today, had line, got a rush, had another line - you get the idea! So, having told myself I'd go very easy and just try it out, within 36 hours I'd done the whole gram.

Worth noting - no really negative experience at all; I did have a small worry at first when I thought I might pass out but I'm old enough to know my own capabilities and responses and kept on top of things. One unexpected effect - from 8.30am until about 7pm on Saturday, I ate nothing - didn't feel hungry at all! I guess this is a similar thing to the appetite-suppression effect of amphetamines. I did nearly throw up at one point on Saturday, when I tried to drink a cup of tea; again, a similar thing on the Sunday. I think it was the milk that put me off - not bad milk, just my system didn't want it! There was no persistent nausea, just those two short episodes. Apple juice was fine.

I got a small nosebleed, nothing serious but the stuff really stings your nose, like getting salt in a cut, so I guess it's really corrosive. Too much up your nose and you'll end up with One Big Nostril! A bit bunged-up today but again, not serious. No real hangover - slightly fuzzy but no headache or other unpleasant effects. And no desire to tear off my scrotum...! :-)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 58
Published: Dec 21, 2010Views: 2,347
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : Various (28), General (1)

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