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Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   TonyM/. "Eye-Opening: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp83536)". Dec 5, 2022.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Let me start out by saying that I'm a fairly average smoker. I read about salvia and how the extracts were supposed to give off intense mind-blowing trips when used properly. It instantly caught my attention as well as my buddies'. Most of us were old time stoners coming back into the game, in fairly decent shape but our hobbies limited to gaming alongside school.

Picking up the extract was as easy as walking into our usual headshop and asking for it. 10x up to 60x? I'll take the 10x, thank you. I'm not sure if I can handle this (lol). Picked the salvia 10x up along with a new bubbler for the occasion.

Rolling up to a random spot in a neighborhood, we parked the car and started packing since it was so damn cold at the time. I was the first bowl, and my buddy filled the bowl (one of those cheap china glass bowls that break easily) to the top. I was convinced that there was no way I could finish it before passing out.

The time came, the bubbler was handed off to me in a timely fashion, and we were off to the races. 'Hold on to your butts.' My buddy laughed as I started sparking the bowl. Hitting the bubbler was a matter of me and the lighter. I remembered the headshop guy telling us to hold the lighter on it all the way (I've seen way too many people not do this and still get ripped beyond belief, so I somewhat knew what I was getting myself into.) I went ahead and followed his direction and let that lighter torch this bowl. After about 10 seconds of lighting, I proceeded to pull the bowl. At this point I started getting a little rush anxiety as the smoke filled my lungs.

My mind was about to blow up! 10 seconds in, something sparked within me. My buddy then told me that the bowl was cashed completely, as he wasn't getting anything from it. Hot damn, prepare for liftoff. Exhale @ 20 second mark (note my friends remain cool to ensure a safe trip, overall a really chill, calm environment.)

The effects began to start. Magnetized, staring at nothing. Man, it was as if I became a puppet. I tried to lift myself up, but my arms just kind of let go as if there was no strength in them. That forced me to laugh, and laugh I did, uncontrollably for what seemed like an eternity. I then slowed down, and came to a state of full relaxation (I was becoming accustomed to the magnetized/puppet feeling.)

This is when things went wrong. Terribly wrong (or so they seemed.) Everything in life literally froze. Except for me. My eyes, that is. They continued to look around in disbelief. I couldn't understand how this was happening, but I wanted out completely. Then, out of nowhere once again, I was 'unzipped' and pulled backwards. It literally felt like someone put a rectangular zipper magically into the chair and unzipped it, causing me to fall backwards into an alternate dimension. I was in a weird factory or alternate house. Very hard to describe the details, as so much was going on. I do remember seeing small workers prowling the area fixing up random decorations for no reason at all. Then I had the most awkward feeling ever.

A weird (very weird) noise looped over and over in my trip at this point, going slower and slower each time. I started to freak out a little bit, this was getting way too nutty. I just fell through a rear car seat into an alternate dimension. The only thing I could compare it to at the moment was the jump from 2D to 3D, except the present-day 3D became 2D (which is how it unzipped my seat completely, causing me to fall through), and this new dimension I was in became the 3D setting. I have never felt such a feeling of shock and awe before. I was seriously starting to freak out at this point, my friends pointed out a few sweat drops that came off me at the time.

But it didn't end there. This is when things really started hitting the fan. There I was, laying down once again magnetized to this (now) unzipped seat. My eyes still looking around trying to perceive what the hell is going on. Then another zipper shows up, but it's not a zipper. It's just an outline. All of the sudden a hand breaks through this outline, and picks me up from where I am, taking me into a dream world. This hand first dragged me out into the stars where we warped to what seemed to be the end of time.
All of the sudden a hand breaks through this outline, and picks me up from where I am, taking me into a dream world. This hand first dragged me out into the stars where we warped to what seemed to be the end of time.
Everything was frozen, and there was a huge wheel in front of me. All of the sudden the hand dropped me on a button which caused the wheel to start spinning, and it became apparent that this was literally a wheel of destiny.

I collapsed at what I saw, and I was shot back into the car in what seemed to be an instant. I was still feeling pretty woozy, but my mind was still freaked out from what I had just witnessed. I didn't know if I should tell it to my buddies at the time, only because I felt like it was intended as a message to me and only me.

Overall, I have had a really positive outlook on life ever since I've had this trip. What I witnessed could have been an alternate take on our afterlives. Maybe that 'soul' inside of us gets recycled, randomly put into an alternate universe/dimension, then reborn into life with a new brain to work from. I've no idea what universes and dimensions those are, and I doubt I will until I die. I've done salvia many times since this point and I've yet to reach beyond the stars like before.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 5, 2022Views: 706
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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