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Nice Try, Doc
by Adam
Citation:   Adam. "Nice Try, Doc: An Experience with Flurazepam (exp83664)". May 5, 2020.

  repeated oral Pharms - Flurazepam
Brief history: I have been battle depression and drug addiction. The usual. Diagnosed bi-polar/schizo I had been on every antidepressant under the sun, abilify, olanzipine, geodon, seroquel XR, zoloft, you name it, they were trying it. After finally convincing my doctors that my depression was the side effect of my problem, they began to treat what we determined was the most likely cause: sleep problems. They put me on a once a night klonopin regimin, but I ate/snorted the whole bottle the first day, picked cigs back up, and passed out in the middle of my university campus. I had the same thing happen when they went to ambien. I would take one, lay down and think I went to sleep, and end up downing the whole bottle and sleepwalking. I would wake up covered in paint or with cuts all over my feet (it was mildly amusing until I started getting injured). Well, we couldn't have that, so I was put on a 100 mg seroquel nightly dose. When that stopped working, I was given flurazepam 30mgs to take nightly.

Here we go: I was told it was a benzo derivative, and I perked up. I ended up taking one when I woke up, exactly opposite as prescribed, and waited for the effects. I felt that I didn't have any. I felt great at the same time, though, which was different. I ended up going to live in a different city for 4 or 5 days, popping those little blue capsules every time I felt the need. I had no anger, just good times to be had, catching up with old friends. I just smoked weed, ad did some coke while I was there. It made sleeping on coke so easy (flurazepam) and euphoric (coke). Nothing bothered me until I ran out. The good thing is, they seem to stick around in my system for a while, so the come off is gradual. After I ran out it was all hell, I became very irate and easily agitated.
After I ran out it was all hell, I became very irate and easily agitated.
I tried keeping calm, but it would happen. I just had to leave. I'm not sure what to think, because I was taking it exactly opposite as prescribed, but I did feel good at the time. I am diagnosed bipolar and I hate taking my meds (depakote), though.

As far as sleep meds go, this was the best for me. I stayed in a constant daze for 4 or 5 days. It wasn't as overwhelming as say a higher dose of xanax, but the buzz was more controlled, and much longer lasting. The entire time I was on that drug sleep was not problem.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83664
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 5, 2020Views: 1,318
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Pharms - Flurazepam (403) : Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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