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Glass Everywhere, Blood Everywhere
Ketamine & Methylphenidate
Citation:   Cringing. "Glass Everywhere, Blood Everywhere: An Experience with Ketamine & Methylphenidate (exp83894)". Dec 30, 2018.

  repeated   Pharms - Methylphenidate
  100 mg IV Ketamine
  300 mg IV Ketamine
Falling Into a K-Hole of Insanity

Where do I start? Imagine doing a line and getting fucked before finishing it and not knowing where you are and your ego has silently died without you realising it. This was one night when I was alone in my room with a vial of K 100mg/ml 20ml. I know that I pig out from time to time but this particular time I got bitch-slapped by the K whom I will refer to as 'she' from this point. I have had a huge amount of Methylphenidate today and am starting to crash so I will keep this brief and intelligable as possible.

It started with prep. Tidy room, bed nicely made and some juice to drink. So I throw on some fleetwood and sit on my bed measuring out one ml (100mg) into a 30gauge 3ml fit. She hit me as she usually does, out of nowhere.

I find that 100mg is the perfect dose, but my mind tricks me into doing more.
I find that 100mg is the perfect dose, but my mind tricks me into doing more.
After a few hits I thought I would kick it up a notch and hit 300mg, knowing it was prob too much but I thought fuck it, I'll just get more out of it and she would take me away from reality further than I have ever gone. Well, she obliged me and then some, then some more until she was carrying me to what always feels like a place that reality was my responsibility, and life. It is really hard to explain and I wont even try.

Because I took her for granted she taught me a lesson in moderation. I have memory fragments but they may or may not be real. It was really good for a while.... Twisting black tunnels, floating on the ceiling, typical K stuff. It went from really nice to a nightmare of epic proportions. The fact that I'm staying at someone else's house makes my face burn with shame when I think about it. Anyway I lost it in the worst way. Fast forward maybe 30 mins and I awake to the sound of banging, voices, voices that were laced with panic. It was the dude who owned the house and his lady banging on the door 'unlock the door, can you hear me, OPEN THE DOOR' I was so gone that I couldnt even flick the lock open. The lady, 'D' somehow got in through the window and get to me. 'where is the biggest cut, you are loosing a lot of blood'.

'What blood' 'you need to send me to a loony bin' 'help me' etc etc. When I looked at my body I was covered in deep cuts from a big mirror I had somehow smashed, the room has gone from a tidy, lax state to a fucking state so bad I couldnt believe it. Glass everywhere, blood everywhere, a lot of blood that I couldnt integrate into my thought process. I didnt feel a thing, nothing, maybe panic and foreboding. Cant see straight so I have learned a valuable lesson. Treat her with complacence and she will bite your dick off and rip out your heart.

This is in New Zealand so there is nothing, nothing but ice on the street, which is $100/100mg which is fucked up. I dont touch it so I dont give a fuck. Also, NZ has a pathetic range of opiates/opioids in clinical settings. We have Pethidine (demerol) Morph, done, and we got fentanyl patches recently as well as OC. Nothing like the myriad selection you have. The only good thing is most meds here are heavily subsidised, strong pain meds are free and we have good herb.

Moral? Dont be a pig when it comes to general anaesthetic. Start small and wait between doses so the body has a chance to metabolise.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83894
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 30, 2018Views: 4,782
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114), Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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