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Helped Me Get Off Caffeine, but Little Else
Citation:   of matchstick men. "Helped Me Get Off Caffeine, but Little Else: An Experience with Ginseng (exp83954)". Jul 11, 2019.

  oral Ginseng (extract)
    oral Ginseng (pill / tablet)
In 2009, I decided to kick my caffeine addiction because it was damaging the functioning of my muscles. I found that I was habitually clenching muscles in my face, my pelvis, and my legs, and it was painful. I knew that my consumption of coffee wasn't helping. More than that, I was beginning to need more and more coffee just to feel normal. I wanted a change.

I tried some liquid ginseng extract in a Chinese convenient store and I got a pretty good buzz. Since I wanted to save money (those cost a dollar each), I bought a bottle of the pills. I began taking them regularly, and pretty soon, I wasn't addicted to caffeine anymore.

But after two months or so of usage, ginseng stopped having the same positive effects on me. At first, it would give me a similar 'awake and focused' feeling to the way I felt when I drank coffee. But that stopped.

One thing that was always there with ginseng was a headrush, similar to the way I feel when I suddenly have to run really quickly or lift a heavy object. Early on, that headrush was accompanied by a big feeling of alertness, but after a while, that ended.

Nowadays, I don't take ginseng supplements regularly anymore, and I haven't noticed a difference. I don't feel any worse or any less able to focus than I did before. I'm still searching for a new herbal supplement that will help my concentration. But the good news about ginseng is that I'm no longer addicted to caffeine.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83954
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jul 11, 2019Views: 1,560
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Ginseng (144) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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