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Unpleasant Effects When Combined
Tramadol & Escitalopram (Lexapro)
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "Unpleasant Effects When Combined: An Experience with Tramadol & Escitalopram (Lexapro) (exp84047)". Jan 13, 2016.

10 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (daily)
  300 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
(Note: The names used in this report are all fictional) The only drugs I have done are marijuana, hydrocodone, and DXM. All of these were done more than 12 hours apart from taking Lexapro. For this experience I took (6) 50mg Tramadol pills, totaling 300mg. I was fixing a computer at Kevin’s house when Rooster came and then I took the pills.

After playing around fixing some things on Kevin’s computer we left to go to Archie’s house after about 20 minutes. We arrived at Archie’s and there was strange music playing. I watched as my friends browsed 4chan and played Counter-Strike. Thirty minutes later I started to notice the effects. Rooster left, followed by Kevin ten minutes later.

I had informed these two previously (who just left) of what to do in case I had a seizure. Having felt the effects and not had a seizure yet I was comfortable with the situation and with a trusting friend. The reason why I was worried about the serious complications of serotonin syndrome is because another friend of mine had taken 500mg of Tramadol and had a pretty bad seizure five to ten minutes following taking them who was also on Lexapro 10mg.

He had just gotten Windows 7 and was used to Windows XP and could not find out how to connect via network to his Windows XP machine because it kept asking for a homegroup password. The euphoria set in seven more so and reached its maximum effects as I explained to him how to correct the issue as well as how to make properly put ends on Cat 6 cables. At this point I was feeling a moderate case of dry mouth and also was speaking in an unusual soft voice. I went upstairs to get some water to help wet my mouth down. We hung out for a total of 5 hours with the effects still remaining strong; I then got a ride home. When I arrived at home my nausea was awful and I experienced hyper-vigilance and argued strenuously about a minor issue. I tried to eat some beef and noodles and barely got them down. I was struggling not to throw up and had a moderately bad headache with euphoria still there.

I took an hour long shower while sitting down in the bathtub leaning over the side of the tub. The nausea subsided. When I got out I noticed that everything seemed to be quieter and I was able to notice sounds easier than normal. At this time it was 7 hours since I had taken the pills and 6 hours since I had felt the effects. Later on about 8 hours after I had taken the pills the nausea returned in full force causing me to vomit. After this I went to sleep, skipping my Lexapro dose, still feeling minor effects of euphoria/headache.

The next morning I woke up with a slight hangover from it but it subsided within an hour or two. This was a bad experience with Tramadol like I had expected. I would strongly advise staying away from Tramadol if you are on an SSRI because of the experience me and my friend both had with them; both of us on Lexapro 10mg.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84047
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 13, 2016Views: 5,804
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Pharms - Tramadol (149), Pharms - Escitalopram (304) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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