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Pure Deep Laughs
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Bartolomeus. "Pure Deep Laughs: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp84059)". Oct 7, 2017.

1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
This was the first time I did laughing gas; I don't have a very extensive history in drug use though. I smoke pot frequently, and did mephedrone a couple of times, cocaine once and salvia a couple of times.

The setting: I was in my campus room with a couple of friends. Two of them, did it before several times, and the other three of us never did it before. I was pretty anxious about the whole thing, although I was excited for it, I was a bit scared. I get this on every drug: a very big anxiety before I do it, which goes away instantly after. So, the experienced guys had their turn first. We were all laughing about it, but I was biting my lips about it.

So, my mate filled up the balloon for me. I did it the way it is supposed to be done, and after a couple of breaths, I felt it kicking in. I have to say that, it was AMAZING! Every thing was like a dream, everything happening so fast; my mate's shirt looked so vibrant, and the music in the background sounded so strange; some people call it echoey, I'd rather call it deeply vibrant. In this whole time, as I was realising all of these, I was laughing my ass off! The purest, most deep laugh I ever had in my life, I could say. Everybody around me told me that, they never heard anyone laughing like that ever.

The effect wore off so quickly though; I hadn't had any time to realise what happened. I felt like a could go back and play it again in slow motion. For some reason, I felt a bit weird after doing it, I felt a bit guilty for having such a great time, as the other guys didn't enjoy it that much.

We than had a spliff or two, and after about an hour we did it again. This time was so different. As the gas kicked in, I felt a tingly sensation on my whole body, like a wave of extacy. I felt amazingly good, and I was giggling the whole time. I can say it felt like a 10-second orgasm. But then again, everything happened so quick. I just wanted to be like that for at least an hour (my mate told me that acid feels like this in the first half an hour).

To conclude: I think that the only time a felt that amazing euforia before was the first time on mephedrone. But apart from that, I can say that this is the most amount of fun I've had with any drugs. I am looking forward to try it again, as soon as possible, and wish that everyone in the room would do it in the same time, with some awesome loud dubstep or anything.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84059
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 7, 2017Views: 1,265
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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