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High, Not a Trip
Mushrooms (smoked)
Citation:   BC Tweaker. "High, Not a Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms (smoked) (exp8435)". Aug 17, 2001.

1 cap smoked Mushrooms (ground / crushed)
One afternoon, after picking up a large bag of mushrooms, my friend and I decided to discover the effects of smoking mushrooms. We stuffed a rather large cap into the bowl of a 3 chamber water bong. I've heard from many people that mushroom smoke causes blindess, so I was very carful to avoid the smoke. The effect was instantaneous, very diffrent from taking mushrooms oraly. Their was no hallucination, and the high was nothing like mushrooms. I had lots of energy, followed by a stomach ache. The best description I can give the high would be close to a mild hash buzz, but this is a very loose comparison. The effect might have been difrent if more was smoked, but I would rather take them oraly, for a longer, if not more potent, trip.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8435
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 17, 2001Views: 10,628
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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