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Loose and Juicy
Citation:   phoenixsun. "Loose and Juicy: An Experience with GHB (exp84431)". Jul 30, 2017.

T+ 0:00
2 ml oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 2 ml oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 2 ml oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 4:30 2 ml oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 6:00 2 ml oral GHB (liquid)
Having been curious about GHB for some time, and having spoken to a few friends who have been users of the substance for some time who had explained to me how to take the drug, what to avoid (alcohol and re-dosing too quickly, as well as upping the dose too much) last weekend I decided I was ready to give it a try.

My first dose was around 10am - I had been up all night at a rave, having had a 20mg dose of 2CE around 12 hours before and a few beers (though I stopped drinking at around 2am as I knew I was planning on trying GHB the next day). The 2CE was just wearing off as I had my first 'charge'. I took a 2ml dose through a plunger, rinsed the foul tasting stuff down with water and headed back to the dancefloor.
Within a few minutes I felt my body temperature had slightly raised, and I was again feeling pretty energetic on the dancefloor, as well as, for lack of a better word, very slightly 'fuzzy' in the head. Like my brain was made of cotton wool or something.

An hour and a half later (11:30am), these effects were starting to wear off, so we went back to the car, had another 2ml dose and again, headed back to the dancefloor. Immediately I felt more energetic, was more talkative and very aware of the sensations in my physical body.
I felt more energetic, was more talkative and very aware of the sensations in my physical body.
Dancing felt great and hugging my friend felt incredible - we both felt quite aroused and would get quite lost in the experience of hugging and kissing one another for a long time before we would snap out of it, realise we were in a public space and get back to our dancing!

At 1:00pm I had a third 2ml charge, with much the same effects, and again at 2:30pm, a fourth 2ml charge, again, with much the same effects - very aware of my physicality, a very sexual sort of feeling, loving dancing and feeling somewhat fuzzy in the head, though in a different way to the fuzziness I feel when I get drunk.

At 4:00pm I had my final 2ml dose, still dancing, though this time I felt like it was almost too much - the fuzziness in my head took over more than the physical sensations, my body felt quite hot, my stomach a little queasy and I felt like if I lay or sat down I would pass out straight away... I've heard about GHB comas and such so I made a decision to keep dancing and talking to people until I could feel it wearing off.. This seemed to work just fine and I decided I'd had enough for the day.

I have had friends 'blow out' on GHB and it's quite a scary thing to witness, I feel like after my final charge I was fairly close to that state, and that the key to it not happening was that a) I did not up my dose from 2ml at any stage and b) when I did feel like I was a bit too high, I forced myself to dance it off, although I really wanted to just sit down.

All in all, it was an enjoyable experience, and one I will at some stage repeat. I would not however, do it with anyone I did not know and trust dosing me, and I will not be upping my dose in any hurry!
Throughout the 8 or so hours that I was high, I ate two tuna rolls, around 3 apples and drank a fair bit of water also. All of these things, I feel, helped my body to handle the chemical better and I would strongly suggest being prepared in this way, with accessible food and water.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84431
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 30, 2017Views: 12,731
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GHB (25) : First Times (2), General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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