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Sublingual Is So Nice
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   AK420. "Sublingual Is So Nice: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp84490)". Jul 8, 2019.

  sublingual Amphetamines
After being on Adderall for a few years, I have built up quite the tolerance, now being prescribed 4x20MG IR (Instant Release) pills a day. I always have looked for a way to get higher, I have tried antacids with marginal improvement, but it just wasn't the 'rush' I was looking for. Snorting Adderall can be quite nasty (way too much powder, sinus irritation, etc) and injecting quite out of the question (I'm not putting that goop in my veins and trying to filter it is an excercise in futility). There seems only one other choice: plugging. Well, I just don't want to have to stick my pill or a solution of it in my ass and wait for it to absorb.

Being previously prescribed suboxone for opiate addiction (which I successfully kicked thank you, no please stop clapping :P) I started looking up medical trials involving administering Amphetamine sublingual and was overjoyed when I found a scientific study done.

Chewing my Addy, I put it under my tongue and hold it there for 5-10 minutes before washing it down. I get a insufflated-esque rush with none of the drawbacks and all of the benefits! Best way in my opinion. Super high without the hassle, works for me.

[Reported Dose: "40 mg (2x20mg) + 20mg at +2 Hours"]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84490
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 8, 2019Views: 9,566
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Amphetamines (6) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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