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Disappointing, Dysphoric Disillusionment
Citation:   Herr Doktor. "Disappointing, Dysphoric Disillusionment: An Experience with Cocaine (exp84571)". Dec 26, 2020.

2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
I had the privilege of trying cocaine whilst living in student accommodation. There were a few of us in the room, and one of the housemates was whacking out lines on a mirror. The mirror went round the few people, and came to me. Decision time. Fuck it, I thought, always the nihilistic one, let's see what all the fuss is about. If you can't beat them...

At first, the merest hint of a burning sensation, to be snuffed out a fraction of a second later as it hit the nerves. I didn't feel anything for about a minute, by which time my top front teeth were numb as well. Then I felt it: a very subtle, mild mood lift, escalating over the next five minutes into a weird, electrical jitteriness that abruptly took control of my whole body.

I became restless, manic and horribly confident; we were all jabbering away nonsensically
I became restless, manic and horribly confident; we were all jabbering away nonsensically
, and I can see how annoying cokeheads must be, in the eyes of those who do not take cocaine. All I could feel was this same, thoroughly cold yet erratically emotional, mechanical throb, pulsing through my body and keeping me alive. Even so, I accepted a second line, extending the session for another hour or so (I am not a tolerant user).

I continued to feel the effect for almost 3 hours after snorting, but by now the electric shock sensations had reached a crescendo, and my heart was really beginning to pound, along with my head. Having finally made myself go to sleep by smoking copious amounts of pot, I woke up the next day, and felt like shit, pure and simple. Lethargic, fatigued, and totally drained. Palpitations every five minutes. Sneezing. Aching all over.

And no, I didn't have a craving for more. I had a conscious desire to avoid this drug at all costs. Despite what people might say, I see coke purely as a status symbol - a perfect drug, perhaps, in our consumerist society?

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84571
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 26, 2020Views: 1,015
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Cocaine (13) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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