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Inner Quiet
by Evan
Citation:   Evan. "Inner Quiet: An Experience with Kava (exp84585)". Nov 14, 2020.

0.5 cups oral Kava (ground / crushed)
As an introduction, I'm a 21 year old college student. I'm 6 ft 4 inches tall and weigh 178 lbs. I started drinking kava two years ago, but I very rarely have it. I've tried blending root with milk, boiling root for tea, and mixing powdered kava with water. The third method has been, for me, the most successful.

I recently ordered kava from my favorite kava source. This variety is said to be the distributor's most potent. I decided to try the site's recipe, which called for 1 cup of powdered root per 2 cups of water. Previously, my proportions were 2-3 tablespoons per cup, so this ratio was much greater. I made 8 cups of kava total, so 4 cups of root, for myself and a few friends. Preparing the kava was a process. It took me about an hour or more to prepare, and came out very dark, and VERY bitter. This was the darkest, bitterest and strongest batch of kava I've ever brewed.

Just within 2 sips my mouth was feeling numb and tingling. My roommate made some spicy rice, with hot sauce. We both tried some and couldn't taste much. Once I finished my shell (small coconut shell - 1 cups worth of kava) I felt elated, relaxed and giddy. I'd been having a bad day, stuck in my head, and immediately, after the shell, everything was okay. I felt content and amused. It wasn't long after though that the effects started to change. The stimulation I felt soon turned to sedation
The stimulation I felt soon turned to sedation
, and I found myself lying on my bed listening to music, completely free of thoughts. I felt at ease.

I had to bring some water back to my room because I started feeling really dehydrated. Other than being dehydrated, the effects were completely positive. It's now been 3 hours since i finished that shell of kava and I'm still feeling very calm and content.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84585
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 14, 2020Views: 760
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Kava (30) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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