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Nice and Happy
by Lee
Citation:   Lee. "Nice and Happy: An Experience with Nimetazepam (exp84713)". Apr 12, 2016.

10 mg sublingual Nimetazepam (powder / crystals)
    oral Caffeine (liquid)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
This is my first experience with benzos. Prices range from 8-10 bucks per pill, or 80 dollars for a slab (10 pills).

I bought 2 pills from a friend of mine. He suggested me to put the pills under my tongue while sipping some redbull until it dissolves. The redbull can be substituted with espresso according to him. Although it seems strange, many people I know ingest erimin this way.

I was seated comfortably in my seat in class while sipping on some redbull. It took slightly less than 5 minutes for the pills to dissolve. 10-15 minutes later, I felt a light, steady wave of heaviness come upon me. It reminded me of being slightly tipsy. I noticed that my mood was elevated and I was somewhat joyful. My vision became more 'contrasty' and the classroom lights seemed brighter.

I decided to get out of the classroom for a smoke. It was a sunny day and the sky was clear. It was a fuckin' beautiful day. I remembered telling my buddy how blue the sky was.

I got back to class and used a highlighter and the ink looked as if it was glowing, really nice. When I got home, I was unusually talkative and everything seemed comfortable and I was contented with everything.

The next morning after waking up, I had a hard time remembering what had happened the day before. But after awhile, the fragments of my memory started to piece together. Overall, I find that this is a fun and safe drug. Just use it in moderation like everything else.

(P.S. My friend who is colorblind was amazed at the colors he saw while on it.)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 12, 2016Views: 2,825
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Nimetazepam (737) : School (35), First Times (2)

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