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A Strange Ride
Citation:   Kewagi. "A Strange Ride: An Experience with Methylone (exp84757)". Jun 22, 2010.

175 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
Description of Mindset: Interested. Got 500mg of Methylone via mail order today. Went into my atelier to get some work done and decided to try some with a friend. We both have a strong drug background, and were anxious to find out about this substance.

T 00:00 We both dissolved 175mg of Methylone and drank it. Strong chemical taste, so we washed it down with some green tea. Had a good laugh about the packaging and started to work.

T +00:15 Slight energized feeling in both of us. Sitting together, having a cigarette.

T +00:30 A strong come-on, resulting in a definitely MDMA-like body feeling, followed by a very mellow plateau. There is something here, but it is very subtle. Concentration gets harder. Feeling warm. Friend is moving around a lot. Slight dilation of pupils for both of us. Laughing comes very natural right now, everything has a slight inner glow, and there is a definite empathogenic effect. I start to see people around me as very positive.

T +01:00 Definitive body feeling - listening to some acid techno, dancing and feeling very good. Friend is chatting a lot, says he feels like on amphetamines - no depressed, definitely mood-heightened, but no wave of happiness.

T +01:30 Talking talking talking. A lot. Both of us.

T +01:45 Friend still talking a lot, feeling speedy. I just thought about a friend of mine that killed himself a month ago. The weirdest sensation came over me. It's very hard to put in words - it's sorrow, it's a feeling of loss, and a strong sense of realization that he is gone, but not in a... depressing way? I don't know. It feels very heavy, in body and spirit alike and sad, but there is no despair - I miss him. I truly miss him. Talked with some people around me about random crap to come out of this. The feeling of sadness is lingering in the back of my head, but still, it's not taking me down. I don't want to interpret too much into this - but I'm pretty sure the same level of emotional clarity would have lead to a strong sense of despair without the Methylone.

T +02:00 Friend decided to boost with 50mg of Methylone, dissolved in fruit juice, then took off to get some work done. I'm still having a hard time focusing on a single task - this is definitely not a work drug for me. Decided against boosting - I still have a strong head feeling, and occasional waves of heat/energy going through my body.

T +02:30 Had a rather emotional talk with my friend about family and our backgrounds. We've known each other for almost 2 years now, but never connected on that level. Well, I wouldn't call it a connection, put it's definitely easier to talk about personal stuff right now.

T +03:00 I like this substance - it's subtle enough to be aware of what is happening on a conscious level, yet strong enough to create a very fascinating setting. There's a feeling of dryness in my mouth, and I'm smacking my lips involuntarily. Physical activity is not mandatory, but feels very satisfying - typing, walking, taking a dump, all that stuff. Slight tightness in my chest.

T +03:30 I'm constantly smacking my lips. The empathogenic effects are slowly fading out in waves.

T +04:00 Having a slight low - about 10% the strength of a regular MDMA blues. Concentration has returned. Just noticed I had minor memory problems during the whole time - recalling names was almost impossible, otherwise, no negative effects except for the constant lip smacking.

T +04:30 Feeling tired, and a bit exhausted. Sweaty palms, my stomach reminds me I ate too little today. Smoked a few puffs from a joint that was just offered to me. The weed brings me on a softer curve back into my original state. My friend just wrote me - he described his experience after T +02:30 as speedy and mellow at the same time. His pulse went up to 180 for a while and he sweat a lot, now he's reporting slight mood elevation and chills. Same goes for me - the room feels definitely colder.

T +06:00 Most of the people here left, and said that I look 'completely baked'. Which is a bit strange - I definitely still feel an effect, but I don't really feel that far out. Mood returned to normal levels, mouth still dry. Occasional shudders. There's a very subtle feeling of nervousness in the background.

T +08:00 Went to see some friends and met up with my friend from before there. We're discussing the various effects we encountered so far - my friend reports slightly hallucinogenic effects, for me it's more empathogenic. We chill for a few hours.

T +12:00 Just came home. Still not completely back on base level - the various effects I encountered during the last 12 hours come back in waves every now and then, but both duration and intensity are much lower now. Pulse rises noticeably during physical activity, but not to alarming levels. It seems the effect is linked to what I'm doing - when sitting, there's a feeling of heaviness, when moving, the speed-like aspects come through. Time for some sleep.

T +13:00 Having a hard time falling asleep - still feeling nervous and restless. Music and relaxation techniques help a bit.

T +21:00 Dozed off eventually. Just woke up, feeling good - no hangover, just some dryness in my mouth and eyes that went away after some water and a quick shower. All the effects have completely worn off by now.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84757
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jun 22, 2010Views: 7,717
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Methylone (255) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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