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Rushed and Bad Decision
Alcohol, Amanita muscaria & Smoking Blend (K2)
Citation:   ogrecharger. "Rushed and Bad Decision: An Experience with Alcohol, Amanita muscaria & Smoking Blend (K2) (exp84767)". May 1, 2010.

5 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    smoked Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
    smoked Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends  
    oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
I had purchased an ounce of Amanita muscaria at a local headshop about a month ago. I had just been waiting for the right time and place to experience them as I know the importance of set and setting. However, upon reading a few reports of smoking the skin, I decided that it would be a good way to test them out.

So a few hours after MSU lost the Final Four game to Butler, I gave it a shot. I was already pretty buzzed at this point; having drank about 5 beers over the course of the game. I know this contributed to me having the balls to smoke mushrooms just a few hours before my wife would be home but I knew I could just go lay in bed and enjoy my trip if need be. The process was as follows: I peeled a 2cm x 2cm piece of the red skin off the cap. I rolled it up into little balls and filled my pipe. I smoked it all gone and felt no major effects, other than increased salivation.

I then decided to smoke a little K2 (that I had around to avoid dropping dirty on drug tests) hoping that it would calm my stomach in case of nausea. I used a different pipe for this but for some reason the smoke tasted just like cinnamon sugar. I still felt nothing after that so I decided to go ahead and eat the small piece of Amanita that I had peeled the skin off of.

About an hour later I found myself defecating and constantly reminding myself that I wasn't going to die. For some reason I had a nervous thought in the back of my mind that I was going to die. So I decided to drink some water and lay down for a while and try to go to sleep. The negative vibe continued and although I had no nausea whatsoever, I had the urgent sensation of vomit pulsing up my throat and lots of mucus collecting in my sinuses. The water helped stop the vomit sensation and I rode the trip out successfully without purging. The trip was very very weird though. Unlike nothing I've experienced. I saw a few scary faces on my ceiling but decided to close my eyes and try to sleep instead because of the negativity. I must have fell asleep soon because the next thing I remember was waking up to my wife coming to bed and when I opened my eyes everything was fine.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84767
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 1, 2010Views: 9,815
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Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends (485), Amanitas - A. muscaria (70), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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