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Gave Me a Terrible Migraine
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Phlash. "Gave Me a Terrible Migraine: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp8478)". Oct 12, 2004.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Ok, It's about 4:30pm, and I just got home with a brand new cracker and a case of whippets. Excitement floods over me as I crack my very first whippet, and fill a balloon. Hyperventilate, INHALE! Wow... My skin began tingling, and a sound similar, but unlike a truck-horn began repeating in my mind. I tried filling a balloon for my sister in this state, which I found nearly impossible. My hands didn't want to function quite right. Almost as if the motor function part of my brain had gone stupid.

After about 5 minutes, I sobered up, and decided to do a 'double'. This is two whippets in one balloon. More = Better, right? OOOOhhhh ya! I hyperventilated and inhaled a lungful. Then, after holding it (much like I do with hashish smoke), I exhaled quickly, and inhaled the remainder of that balloon. The truck-horn noise returned, and the tingling sensation grew in intensity until my entire body was numb. This buzz lasted a bit longer than the other, and I began filling a balloon for someone else who had just smoked some cannibis. Yet again, my hands don't want to work correctly, and they seem almost 'weak'. My fingers didn't have the dexterity or strength to close the cracker on a whippet and fill a balloon. This started to annoy me, so I passed it on to my sister until I could sober up. Probably 3-5 minutes later, which felt like 30 minutes, I was sober, and wanting another hit. I then continued doing whippets until I had finished the entire 24 pack. This gave me a horrible migraine, and I slept for nearly 16 hrs.

The effects were very similar to Tetrafluroethane, but don't last as long, and probably less likely to cause brain damage.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2004Views: 12,052
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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