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The 'All-Knowing'
Ketamine & Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   JayBee. "The 'All-Knowing': An Experience with Ketamine & Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp84804)". Jun 27, 2010.

500 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  1 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
This, by far, was the most powerful and meaningful trip of my entire life. I am very experienced in the use to both ketamine and salvia, but I was shocked by the combination of the two.

A friend of mine and I had been lounging-around doing ‘bumps’ of ketamine all night, kept the buzz going and chilling out. I felt like I needed a little extra “kick”, so I asked my friend if she wanted to do Salvia. She didn’t want to take my offer but was more then happy to be my ‘sitter’ as I was the guinea pig. So, already being quite high from ketamine, I had no fear going into the trip. Which I’m sure helped a lot.

I took a big toke of salvia (20x) and held it in. As I was holding it in I looked over at my friend and watched as my reality split up. I exhaled and then boom! My life, as I knew it had paused. All of the sudden I was in complete darkness. I got that familiar feeling of being “all knowing” that I usually get when I do Salvia. I understood everything about life and all its questions, forgot about the problems and anxieties of a human being. Basically, I died.

Then, suddenly, bubbles appeared. Each bubble represented a life, a past life, and I was in the center as they all floated around me. This is strange because I never really believed in past lives before. As I looked at these ‘life bubbles’ I experienced them in their entirety. I could remember everything from every one of my past lives and it was as if I lived a million times over, birth to death.

But then one ‘life bubble’ caught my attention. It was different from the rest. Something was missing from it. I then heard this voice saying “this one’s not complete yet” and I saw that, indeed, it was not a full ‘life bubble’. Instead of being an “O” it was more of a “U”. As soon as I saw this incomplete ‘life bubble’, I zoomed into this life. It was like I had to start from the beginning and fast forward to where I was last in my life, like watching a tape. I began to remember who I was as I watched my life flash before my eyes. Then, BANG! I was back into my body.

It took a while for me to gather myself and think about what just happened. But all in all, I believe the mix was helpful. Salvia alone, I tend to forget the experiences. But when mixed with ketamine it slows the process down, makes it easier to understand and comprehend. My friend told me that I said “this ones not complete” out load during my trip, which I find interesting!

It was life changing. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Though, I am not sure if there is much else to learn from the combination. I feel like I’ve learned all I can from it.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84804
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 27, 2010Views: 10,412
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Ketamine (31) : Mystical Experiences (9), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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