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The Catalyst
Cannabis & Henbane
Citation:   smoky. "The Catalyst: An Experience with Cannabis & Henbane (exp84810)". Apr 13, 2020.

0.25 g smoked Cannabis  
  0.25 g smoked Hyoscyamus niger (seeds)
Henbane the Catalyst

The time was 10:00 p.m. And the couch was more than comfy from the over powering stress of the day. I put on some 'floyd' for mood contemplation.

First I loaded about .25 of my gram of marijuana into my pipe then proceeded to add equal amounts of the henbane seed. The seeds popped due to high amounts of nitrogen, the taste was bearable the effect was supreme after the third bowl, rushing waves and the feeling of levitation were highly pronounced. The effect it gave the marijuana was like the first time I smoked the magikal green yet the visual hightened experience wasn't there. This was truly an experience. Slight noticable muscle pain was the only downside. After the fourth bowl was smoked I nearly passed out yet I've learned the truth in that an awakened mind is an eternal mind.

After about two hours I began to come down from the hieghts of the experience and slept on the couch. I awoke the next day around 12:00 a.m. With a slight heavy fogged-in mind. Henbane is a catalyst and highly sedating when mixed with mind altering herbs and well on its own as a heavy dosing tea about (for me anyway) 1.5 gr. is all that is needed.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84810
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 13, 2020Views: 2,181
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Cannabis (1), Hyoscyamus niger (278) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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