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Beautiful and Intense
Citation:   cky464. "Beautiful and Intense: An Experience with DMT (exp84821)". Apr 23, 2018.

3 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
I was at a club last night, and bought a 10th gram of DMT off a friend of mine. When I was talking to some other friends, they told me they had plenty at home and invited me over to smoke some. After eating a Subway sandwich I felt pretty sober, but I was still tipsy at their house. The alcohol however didn't do a thing to lessen the effects of what was about to happen.

I had done DMT once, laying on bed next to a friend in silence. It was a good experience but not very strong. This time I really broke through. All three of us lay in bed vertically and prepared, listening to some calming music. They gave me the run-down although I had very familiar with the process. However, they insisted that I take about 3 hits in a row in order to really get the full potential. I knew this was a risk to take but I decided I wanted to feel the full effects. So the first friend puts a lump of the orange powder in a metal pipe and smokes it. I like the smell, burning DMT smells like an old attic. My other friend said the smell disgusted her. They were both very experienced with DMT.

So the next friend hits it a few times and I'm last. I throw my portion in and take 3 long hits. It's very harsh on the throat. When I blew the third hit out, I felt my body sink down into the ground. I closed my eyes, and immediately I was visually enveloped in bright orange and yellow squares. The cellular pattern expanded in front of me, and surrounded me completely. Then the squares all started to twinkle and dance, and shape into different patterns, like dancing flames and then a floral pattern. I've had many closed-eye visuals before, but this was probably the most vivid I've ever seen. I opened my eyes for a while but the room looked pretty much pitch black. My memory of the peak is a bit hazy 'This is so beautiful' one of my friends said. 'Whooaaaa' is all I could manage to get out. I felt my body being hurled through space.

Then my friends started talking, as they were coming down already. I however was peaking. Their words melted together into gibberish and I couldn't make out a single one. 'Aba saaam bama paaa sam' is all it sounded like, very basic sounds. I knew they were talking normally but I couldn't decipher it. I felt my heart racing very fast and pounding in my chest, it felt about 10 times faster than my normal heart beat. I got a little panicky, as my friends' chatter was distracting me. IMO it's best to do DMT with no noises or distractions. Anyways, this is when the mind fuck came in. I started thinking about things I had to do the next day and what had happened that night up to the trip and it all seemed like it really didn't exist. I felt like I was dying, or already dead. But this wasn't very scary. I've experienced ego loss before and it's something I have to just go with. The harder I try to cling to the 'self' or reality in this state the more anxious I become and I just remind myself I would be back to normal soon.

I felt various strong sensations in my body. There was a fan blowing above us and it felt amazing for a few seconds, like fresh air was blowing through me and cooling my veins off. When I became aware of my body again I felt a few seconds of sexual arousal which often happens when I'm tripping. I sat up and repositioned to lay on my side. Once I started coming down I immediately joined in their conversation and we shared our experiences. I became very cold all of the sudden and I was shivering.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84821
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 23, 2018Views: 1,243
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DMT (18) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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