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Zoloft With Xtra Cream and Xtra Sugar
Citation:   Daphne. "Zoloft With Xtra Cream and Xtra Sugar: An Experience with MDMA (exp8500)". Aug 1, 2001.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 6:30 12 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (pill / tablet)
I decided to try X at home for the first time. I have a tendancy to be more antisocial so I was curious about how a supposed empathogenic drug would affect me.

At 7:30 pm I dropped 1/2 of the pill and waited until 8:30.
I thought that I might be starting to feel the effects then so I dropped the other half. At about 9:00 pm I began to feel like I wanted to do something but that any activity would be too much for me to really grasp the scope of, and couldn't concentrate on much of anything either. Perfect time to watch TV. As I sat and watched TV I started getting the eye-wiggles and almost felt sleepy. Then I started getting this feeling like electricity was originating from the core of my body and radiating out toward my hands and feet. Now THAT was cool!! For me, Ex is like Zoloft with extra cream and sugar. The feeling is 'swoopy', breezy and disengaged, 'sparkly' and calm. Also, watching TV, I felt more interested in the movies and somehow more 'involved' with the characters and their lives which is really atypical for me since I am usually quite disinteresed in tv and view it as a waste of time.

This feeling continued until about 2 AM at which time I decided to drop 12mg of Zoloft. I have a few Zoloft laying around and sometimes the SSRI buzz can be kind of cool, but persistent and potent (those little pills really pack a punch, once your'e in, your'e in for a couple days). My reasoning was that perhaps I could maintain an elevated level of seritonin via the re-uptake inhibitor. I have later discovered that people report that SSRIs actually reduce the effects of Ex. It didn't matter, I don't think, since I only took a quarter of the Zoloft. One more wonderfully interesting thing... I decided to smoke some weed toward the end of the Ex buzz and discovered that the initial 10-15 min.of paranoia that I have ALWAYS gotten from weed was completely stripped away. Weed was absolutely amazing and wonderful with Ex! It completely revamped my buzz for about 1 1/2 more hours! I felt so relaxed and comfortable!

If I run into this stuff again I'll probably try it one more time but I will take two pills instead of one. I'll try to do it with a group of friends at somebody's house. I will discontinue my use after that because I've read too many entries by people that say they stay depressed for days or weeks afterwards. I am sorry that happened to them, and I hope it eventually goes away.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8500
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2001Views: 31,924
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MDMA (3), Pharms - Sertraline (88), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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