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The Preparation Was Extremly Detailed
Cacti - T. pachanoi
by B
Citation:   B. "The Preparation Was Extremly Detailed: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp85108)". May 3, 2018.

12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (pill / tablet)
Eating San Pedro

While looking at the possiable ways to consume this cactus I didnt see any accounts of eating the cactus. Not dried, but still fresh. It might not be the most efficient way to go about it. But it worked.

The preparation of the cactus was extremly detailed. Having to remove the thorns, cut of the ridges around it and then the millimeter thick skin on the outside took around 1 1/2 to 2 hours. This couldv been because of the method I used or just how long it took.

I cut off each ridge of the cactus deep enough to remove the entire ridge and then after that I used a razor blade to remove the most outer layer. I made sur to remove all the dark freen flesh as that is the most potent. And the hardest part to harvest. After eating all the dark green flesh I moved on to the core of the cactus. Which is made up of lighter green, less potent flesh. About 2 inches in there is a non editable stringy core. At first I attempted to eat the flesh around the core like corn on the cob style. I quickly found this a disgusting way to consume it. The sliminess of the foot long corn on the cob wasnt enjoyable to hold.
I later cut of all the flesh in chunks and ate them like that.

I would compare the taste to if grass was condensed into a fruit, that would be the tast.
The texture was all its own with a combination of a fruit like make up and a very slimy and disgusting. Offensive to almost all five senses.

This entire process of preparing and consuming took me around 6 hours. Around the fourth hour I was feeling somewhat different and things became vivid. Upon completion of the cactus I was 2 hours deep into my very first psychedelic experience.
I had less of a body high and more of a high that spurred me to partake in more creative use of my time.

I was alone for the entire trip and thats how I believe it should be done. Also, the trip itself was extremely mild compared to LSD, but I got more of a sense of accomplishment from eating that entire cactus.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 85108
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 3, 2018Views: 993
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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