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A Gentle Return to Tryptamines
Citation:   x0chipilli. "A Gentle Return to Tryptamines: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp85560)". Aug 9, 2010.

16 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
I have been studying psychoactives on a personal level for just about a decade now. I consider myself pretty experienced with the things I have had (mushrooms, dmt, salvia, n2o, cannabis, etc), but to be honest, my selection is very limited and I have not been able to get my hands on quite a few things I've wanted to try, such as real LSD and many research chemicals. I would still have to say I've had quite a few (100+) trips. I live a life I am pretty happy with, but sometimes I find myself getting anxious about taking a substance. So I have had a few dry spells. The last one was about a year long and I finally decided to (re)pop the cherry with some Foxy. I am writing this report the following morning. I had a wrist watch for the experience, and although I didn't take notes, I seemed to have a good sense of 30 minute intervals and only looked at my watch that often, nearly on the dot, so I feel my time-line is pretty accurate...

8:45am - 0:00
16mg of the hcl was weighed and licked off the tray, then quickly chased with water. The taste was similar to cocaine but much stronger. I enjoy the taste of coke but this was a bit too much. Nothing unbearable though. The wife (on 11mg) and I left the car for a hike in the woods at the local state park.

I feel the first alert. It's a slight buildup of energy in my chest and arms. Very faint but obvious when I pay attention to it. We came to a bridge that was lower than the surrounding earth. As I estimated the distance and took my step I noticed I was a bit unsteady. Not drunk-like, but definitely not 100%. Kinda like when you expect one more stair in a staircase and take your step accordingly, but it turns out your already on flat ground. It's awkward but nothing I would actually stumble from.

The path we chose was fairly empty, but as we both started to really feel the effects, we noticed there was someone about 30 yards behind us on the trail. I had a slight hint of nausea so we took a side trail to stay out of sight. Within minutes both my wife and I purged instantaneously. It was a very short-lived spell and within minutes we were both feeling great. We moved towards the lake and planned to sit by the water for a while, but the wife felt she needed to keep moving to suppress the possibility of more vomit.

We are both definitely up now. It is a very mild trip. It's hard to even call it a trip. I have a typical tryptamine-like energy that is still escalating, but there is no hint of visuals or color enhancement. I can feel my shirt against my skin much more than usual.

We discovered the trail was much shorter than we expected and backtracked a bit. We left the trail and started bushwacking threw the wetlands around the lake. The area is only open to pedestrians, and most people stay on the trail, so we had the place to ourselves other than the few times we ended up back on the trail unexpectedly. I still had a very strong taste in the back of my mouth so I stopped to smoke a cigarette and drink some water. At this point I noticed I was in a different state of mind.

I spat on a piece of grass near me and thought to myself 'if I was a piece of grass, would I want to be spat on? obviously not... but I'm a piece of grass, I can do nothing to prevent it from happening. Since I cannot influence the world around me, I should have long ago developed the ability not to care about outside circumstances such as this.' I thought to myself that this piece of grass has to be more evolved than me, a human, who gets wrapped up in my own ego so greatly, that if I were to be spat on I would likely become furious. Something so benign as the water from someone else mouth should not have that kinda effect on someone that is true to life. Therefore the grass is better than me. I realized this with a rather removed sense of self. I did not target myself, but more of the human race as a whole. About this time my wife came back from a short trek around the area, and we got a move on again.

Time had been going relatively normal to this point. If anything it had slowed down a bit. But from here til the end of the experience, things started to move a lot faster. We worked our way back towards the car to get some things we realized we needed. While at the car we realized there was a much closer parking lot to where we had been exploring, so we decided to move. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] There were still no visuals at all, and I felt perfectly fine to drive the 1/2 mile stretch between the 2 lots. My ability to control my legs had returned to normal quite a while before. The drive went perfectly fine although I decided it was safe to keep an eye on the speedometer, as everything did seem to be moving slower than usual on the outside of the car. I felt as if I could easily run faster than the 30mph we were driving. I usually avoid driving at any cost when under the influence, but for this situation I felt completely safe, especially as it was still a weekday morning at a state park. there was no auto traffic and very little pedestrian traffic, and the distance we had to cover took less than 2-3 minutes at slow speeds.

The energy level is starting to peak now. There is really no way to sit still anymore. If we stop at an area to check it out, we both keep pacing the area and only stopping when something really interesting appeared. Within 100 yards of the car we found a very large tree that had fallen the year before. I decided to climb on it a bit and when I jumped off the base of the trunk, I landed in a patch of Morel mushrooms. I had never seen them first hand before and they were much larger than I had expected. We picked them and looked for more in the area, but could find none.

We kept on bushwhacking and eventually found ourselves in an area we had been before we moved the car. We decided to follow the trail for a bit and head into a new direction. Right before we split off we saw a couple of deer that became just as interested in us as we were in them. We stood still for probably the longest duration of the trip to watch them. It was very fun and we were able to have conversation within 50 feet or so without scaring them off. It feels great to be so close to nature. Throughout most of the hike, but mainly threw this portion, we found many hatched bird eggs. Some were small and blue, some were nearly the size of chicken eggs. It was a lot of fun noticing this kinda stuff and making guesses as to what they belonged to and generally noticing the environment in much more detail than usual. This substance is different from say, mushrooms in that aspect though. Since there were no visuals or enhancements to my vision, I was not noticing this stuff cause it stood out in such fine details compared to normal. In fact everything was still normal to me. But I had the urge to notice this stuff for some reason and was drawn deeper and deeper into the woods without a care in the world. Thank god for GPS, which had been in my pocket recording our journey the entire time.

I have finished peaking. During the peak it was impossible not to notice the effects of the substance. They were never in any way overwhelming, but it definitely reminded me it was there. From this point on, that feeling was still there, but it rolled in and out, and I usually had to stop moving to notice it. We decided to head back to the water, near the area we purged, as there was a really nice tree to hang out under til we decided to leave. We had great conversation and discussed some things that are usually more or less forbidden to get into, like a deceased pet of ours that has been hard to speak of since he died.

We sat around for probably about 20-30 minutes before deciding we were pretty much finished. We were running out of water and getting hungry. It took us a good 45 minutes to get to the car, and on the way we got distracted by some more deer. We also took a route that was much thicker brush than we had been dealing with, so it was a slow trip. Since the morel patch was so close to the car we decided to take another shot at finding more in the area. still no luck, so we left.

On the way home we had to get gas, and next to the station there was a complex of furniture stores. I was starting to come up on another wave and had the energy to burn, so we decided to browse a bit. It was mostly just walking and talking. We were able to stay low-key and still have a good time poking fun at some of the designs and falling in love with others. I noticed that people seemed to be noticing me from further away than usual. Walking down the street on an average day I don't usually make eye contact til someone is within 10-15 feet of me. For some reason now it seemed people (mostly women) were looking straight into my eyes from up to 30 feet away. It was kinda fun. I felt important enough to be noticed, and I was 100% positive no one could tell I was under the influence of anything. I was not attracting attention, but I was still getting it. We stopped at a pet store for some cat food afterwords and the cashier even hit on me right in front of my wife. I was obviously somewhat more attractive than usual for whatever reason.

We are finally headed home. I left the driving to the wife at this point since she had done less than me and I was feeling kinda nauseous again. I felt it was a result of extreme hunger, as I hadn't ate much since the night before, so we picked up some food on the way home.

We ate Chinese food and I quickly became full. I didn't eat much at all compared to usual. We watched a movie and half way threw the wife fell asleep, So I offered we get into bed instead of staying cramped on the couch. Even though she seemed to fall asleep easily then, we both couldn't get to sleep for at least another 3-4 hours. Throughout this time I still had a really feint buzz, which was obviously keeping me up. I also had a slight headache that would come in and out regardless of what I was doing. We decided to drink a few beers to wind down the evening and watched a few more movies in bed before finally getting some sleep.

I slept well but not for long. I was back up within 4-5 hours and started a normal day feeling complete baseline and no hangover. Overall we both enjoyed our experience and will do it again. My wife can't handle mushrooms much, even on low doses, so this substance is pretty much perfect for us when we want to trip with each other. The only thing she has enjoyed more is MDMA. I would probably never do this substance alone, just because it wouldn't be as fun. It does stay out of your way though and perhaps a bike ride or a steady hike would have use for it.

I also feel I should point out that at no time did I experience some of the effects that this drug is widely known for. I was not euphoric much at all, and it was very light. I also didn't feel any extreme pleasure in any way. Touching or being touched was nice but nothing special. Also most the sensations I got were in my chest, back, and arms, not my lower stomach/groin area as it seems many have reported before me. I was hoping for at least a little color enhancement, but didn't seem to get any. the only thing slightly visual during the entire experience was a 2 minute gap while I was smoking a cigarette, when the ground appeared to be very slightly breathing. Soon as I looked away to tell my wife though, I could not reproduce the effect. I might take 20mg next time but I'm not expecting much different. This was my first experience with a research chemical and I put great emphasis on the risks involved, so I probably won't be pushing the envelope with much higher doses. I will find something else that can do what I want in its proper dose range.

Anyway, as I said, it was very enjoyable regardless of my expectations. It is much easier to handle than most tryptamines, which makes it something I don't get anxious about taking, so I could see it being a great substance to fill the gaps between much heavier trips on other substances (which can be anywhere from weeks to years apart).

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85560
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Aug 9, 2010Views: 6,237
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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