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Starry Eyed
MDA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   BlissedOut. "Starry Eyed: An Experience with MDA (Ecstasy) (exp85564)". Feb 28, 2017.

1 tablet oral MDA
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
My rolling eyes painted the room in psychedelics, smearing light and color along the walls. The dance floor was alive, a breathing, moving, wild sea of swaying bodies.
Was this my sweat? His sweat?
Bound together by music, loving each other profoundly with every molecule of our beings. One collective consciousness riding the same wave of orgastic bliss over the brink.
I looked around, tried to make out the glowing faces.
But, of course, we’re all just bodies in the dark.
The energy, the beat, the rapture was inside me now, inside all of us, washing away the stubborn taint of anxiety, suspicion, insecurity.
Magic. It offered to take me.

So I let go.

Building, building, building towards the shimmering apex.
A mad dash for disco doomsday.
I wished this could last forever, wondered what the fuck I was ever so upset about. If this was brain damage, I embraced it. It was worth every lecture I would get, every fried neuron, every microgram of depleted serotonin.

Who were they to denounce such unimaginable, oneiric joy? They’d never feel this, the kiss of pure benevolence on their tired lips. They’d never lose control to the vibrant pulse of electropop on the Elysian Fields. They’d never…Oh, what they were missing! Too brainwashed, too scared for such an ecstatic leap of faith. Their loss. As far as I was concerned, abstinence was a character flaw.
I believed in chemicals, not miracles, and this was the closest anyone could ever come to God. This was transcendence, this was absolution, this was it.
Stumbled out into the warm twilight, where the night air panted sweetly in my ear. The stars, the constellations, the wonderful and soothing sense that everything was going to be okay. Such serenity was impossible.
I lit a cigarette, pulled deeply. Mentholated smoke rings, the exhilarating chill, the silken caress of atmosphere. A lucid dream, a revelation, a rebirth. The nicotine rush put me over the top.


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85564
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 28, 2017Views: 1,343
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MDA (34) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Poetry (43), Glowing Experiences (4)

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