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A Mild Dose, but a Profound Effect
Morning Glory
Citation:   Withabuzzinourears. "A Mild Dose, but a Profound Effect: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp85650)". Feb 14, 2018.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory
I picked 100 morning glory seeds, heavenly blue, from my friend's yard. I chewed them at about 530 PM, and swallowed the pulp. This short story is about the experience I had 3 hours after ingestion.

Temporary psychosis
I hope I can portray this experience in the true magical way it was perceived, but even with the finest of words, no story can display the feelings that I encountered on the day of May 31 2010.

I sat around alone, staring out into the pass of woods between the two houses across from me. A light wind blew in through the screen and sent shivers and goosebumps down both of my arms and my back. I decided to set out on a bike ride around 8:00 PM. The light was getting dim, and I was faintly worried whether I would be back in time for nightfall. I stepped onto the bike, and began to pedal in a low gear, swiftly letting the bike do all the work. The air had a mild chill, and it smelled crisp, but what was most peculiar was the thin layer of fog that encased everything in my vision. It swirled around, thin enough to not obstruct my direction, but thick enough to let me notice it among this strange night air. As I progressed into the neighborhood, I noticed an odd and unusual sense of silence and peace. I had not encountered a single car. The only sounds that I could hear were the faint whooshing of trees in the wind, and the chirping of all sorts of birds that I would never know the names of.

I continued riding, the fog sifting through the trees and the brush and I lost myself in the pleasant nature that was comforting my senses. I chose my route through a circle in the neighborhood, that would eventually bring me back to my own place of residence. Everything that passed by me held its own individual meaning. I passed a few different people, all whom I had never seen before. I passed loners, couples and whole families. Every person I passed, I waved to and they politely waved back. But I could see the wonder and mild discomfort in their eyes that could only be caused by the strange sight of a teenage boy riding a bike alone right before nightfall, studying everything that passed him with the precision of a scholar, even the glowing streetlights above.

As I was riding along the sidewalk of a certain road, I had a craving for altitude. What could be more beautiful than a panoramic view of this special night in this placid neighborhood. I knew that there were no major peaks or mountains anywhere in the neighborhood, but I knew of one road that could lead me to a decent view of the streets that I had grown to love. I rode up the hill, switching gears, hoping that when I turned around I would see a beautiful sight, and experience a revelation. I reached the top of the road, and turned around. Just as I suspected, a true masterpiece. I looked down the concrete slope into the swaying trees and the seemingly abandoned houses. Nothing can describe this scene, as Its beauty was greatly amplified by my own mind. I stood, staring. The trees whooshing and the birds conversing, there is no place I would rather be. I could stay there forever, my own little place of paradise right on the front lawn of some unsuspecting family.

I lost myself in the sight. As the hypnotic trance became deeper, the sound of the trees began to get louder.
As the hypnotic trance became deeper, the sound of the trees began to get louder.
I focused in on a stop sign at the bottom of the hill. The trees kept getting louder and louder, and all of the sudden, the stop sign was getting further and further away. The fog was leaving trails of distance, and I was sure that the hill was growing, and I was sure that I was being lifted into the sky. I slowly raised my head and gaped at the marvelous height that I had achieved. Talk about altitude. I never wanted to leave this perfect place in my mind, everything was in its right place. In mid amazement, I was greeted by a pleasant jump back into reality, and an overwhelming silence. Now, I was back at the true small height, and the real volume of the birds and the trees. I took this as a sign that it was time to move on, and I slowly got back on my bike and rode down the backside of the hill.

My vision was impaired, and the fog was swaying heavily. Everything I saw left trails, and I looked at it until it was no longer in my moving field of vision. Everything had a glowing aura that overwhelmed my senses as I rode back along. I got to my driveway, when I was hit by a sudden realization. I may never experience a night like this, why cut it short. So I began to work my way back to my own little paradise, in the front of someone else’s house. This time, I took the back way up. When I reached the top, it was there just as I had left it. I stared down the hill and thought about everything. I thought about how there would be so many more instances of speechless beauty, and that this was just the beginning. I thought about Danielle, and how I would love her to be standing right next to me, experiencing this same sense of life as I had never felt it before.

I departed my paradise, and rode down the hill. The trees swirled and followed me as I rode down the hill with not a care in the world, A rush that I can never describe. It was at this moment, that I decided to choose my fate. At the bottom of the hill was a crossing, where an occasional car would pass to return to their home after a day of work, or whatever they have chosen to do with their lives. It was these people that would decide my fate. I let myself glide down the hill, and watch everything that passed by. I was not going to stop at the intersection. If I get hit, then I get hit. I let the bike, the world, and the air take control of me as a gained speed and plummeted towards the possible death that would await me. For once in my life, I felt that I could die happy.
I made it across the intersection, unscathed. I continued to ride, with the biggest grin on my face. I was supposed to live more, and experience more happiness, I was just told by this test of fate. I began to speak, but there was no one there. I said that I was glad that I didn’t die, and that I wanted to stay alive. I spoke to the trees and the birds that flew through them. I rode past a driveway, where 4 kids my age stood leaning on a yellow sportscar. They heard my words, and I proceeded to watch them mock me and laugh, so I waved. They would never understand, and I was okay with that. I would let them see the world in their own eyes, even if it means driving fast cars and making money.

I turned on to the final road home, and watched a car approach me. I watched the headlights slowly cave in to each other until they were one solid light, and then the car was gone. I hoped to myself that the person in that car, whoever they were, would experience something like I had tonight. Something so euphoric and hopeful, that It would sculpt their lives forever in a way that they could never explain to another human being.

The fog was smoke, from forests burning for miles. Things destroyed that would eventually grow back.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85650
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 14, 2018Views: 974
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Morning Glory (38) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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