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Resulted in a Seizure and a Trip to the ER
Citation:   calilac. "Resulted in a Seizure and a Trip to the ER: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp85756)". Jan 11, 2021.

3 - 7 mg smoked JWH-018
JWH 018 Seizure Warning

Usage time, 2 days.
We lack a scale that measures mg and I did my best to measure a modest portion of this powdered, experimental cannabinoid alternative. I had smoked about 3mg the day before and twice throughout the next day at about the same dosage. Mild marijuana effects with a slight headache and hangover. In the evening that last day I up-ed the dosage to about 6-7 mg which resulted in a seizure and a trip to the ER. I have never had a seizure before, I thought I was dying. The whole experience lasted about 5 hours. Two days later I'm still groggy, dizzy, and depressed.

I had not been warned about overdose or side effects from JWH and though I had considered them I am kicking myself now. This is not a drug I will put into my body again, at any dosage. Spice included. Even the nurses and doctor who treated me said I should stick with marijuana.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85756
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 11, 2021Views: 890
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JWH-018 (483) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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