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Citation:   Deus121. "IM 5-MeO-DiPT: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp8580)". Aug 7, 2001.

4.0 mg IM 5-MeO-DiPT (liquid)
Well some of you may have read my IV(IntraVeinus) experience on Foxy. Well, I decided to try it IntraMuscular. First my solution of foxy is old. Distilled water+foxy that is around 8 months old. So I decided that in the intrest of not getting an infection that I must sanatize it first. So I measured 2 mL into a spoon. I noted from Mereck that the melting point of foxy is around 180 degress celcious so I began heating the solution gently with a lighter. The water quickly evaporated away and I was left with a thin white film. I added a couple drops of Isoproply to the spoon and let it run around the spoon coating it. I then evaporated the Isoproply. Now that my Foxy was sanitary I added 40 units of distilled water to the spoon, filtered, and shot into my right shoulder.

The results:

At first I felt nothing and wondered if I lost the majority of the foxy. Within a couple minutes I felt *something* but it was very light. Just the feeling of *something* happening. Several minutes later I felt myself coming up. It probably took a good 20 minutes to fully reach my peak. I'm not sure why this is I would have expected the results to occure more quickly with this route of administration. For those 20 minutes of coming up I did not feel good at all, but once I reached my peak I felt great. Very mellow, very clean, GREAT body buzz, minor visual disturbances. Many would probably prefer higher dosages but I like the lower ones best. It wont make you *trip* per-say but more make you feel *good*.

The contrast:

I believe the largest problem 5-MeO-DiPT has is the come-up, for me anyway was not so enjoyable. The body load was more noticable and just general unpleasent feelings were noted during the come up of oral and Intramuscular. I'm not sure why this is, but I do know because of it Intraveinus injection is the most preferable way to take 5-MeO-DiPT that I have found. I have not tried snorting or plugging it, however based on personal experience with slow-acting routes of administration I can only conclude that those routes would offer the same unpleasent transitions from baseline to peak.

The conclusion:

Most may think IV psycedelics is stupid. And maybe it is for most psycedelics. But IV 5-MeO-DiPT is definatly the most preferable route that I personaly have found. The come up is instant and you reach your peak instantly, thus eliminating the unpleasent transitions from baseline to peak.

I would be intrested in hearing others reports of contrast, if they feel my data is accurate or not. Maybe its just a personal thing and doesn't hold true to the rest of you. I don't currently have a email address I'm willing to post, but I am available through BlueLight I have a couple reports about this topic in Other Drugs and Trip Reports. Thank you.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2001Views: 10,278
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