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In Top Mental Condition Compared to Before
Citation:   sageb1. "In Top Mental Condition Compared to Before: An Experience with Mirtazapine (exp85816)". Jan 2, 2018.

30 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
My Experience With Remeron (Mirtazapine)

Disclaimer: this is a legitimate use of mirtazapine by prescription without abuse or intent to abuse the drug.

I've been prescribed mirtazapine (Remeron) initially by the Mental Health Centre's shrink, 60 tablets @ 15 mg each for depression. When I first took Remeron, I felt tired (sedated) and fell asleep. The next day it took me two hours to wake up. It was May 12.

Over the next few weeks, I got used to the sedation, and took the dose as described: 15 mg at bedtime, 7.5 mg on rising and 7.5 mg 4-6 hours later. Currently, with the Remeron regiment of 30 mg a day in 4 divided doses, I am in top mental condition compared to a month ago, 3 months ago and even 6 months ago.

With the Remeron came periods of fatigue where it's best not to read a book but just await the passing of tiredness. Yet most of the day I am inspired to read a lot (first 6, then 5, and now 4 books). Once I got used to the tiredness, my self-motivation increased. This may have been due to both the change in season from spring to summer, but mirtazapine augmented my normally calm exterior and freed me of depression. It's been 4 weeks or so since I filled my first prescription of 60 15 mg Remeron, of which are 22 pills remaining. During those four weeks, I went from 106 lbs to 114 lbs.

Most definitely, this is better than using Remeron recreationally.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85816
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 51
Published: Jan 2, 2018Views: 1,700
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Pharms - Mirtazapine (311) : Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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