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Light and Happy
Citation:   Hammertime. "Light and Happy: An Experience with Oxytocin (exp85839)". Jul 20, 2011.

25 ml oral Various (liquid)
Had a vial of about 100 cc or so between about three or four people, cant completely remember but it came straight from the hospital with a rubber top to poke the syringe through. Started to dip it onto and under my tounge a small drop and about five to ten seconds after it soaked into my blood stream I felt my eyes dilated and my heart starting beating as if on coke. it makes me feel lightheaded very light extremely happy not as much euphoric though it gives me somewhat of a pure molly or x feeling without any clenching really no after affects. When I took a sip of it I got extreme feeling of godliness and higher being state for about ten minutes and the comedown was nothing just felt as if iI was dazed and confused or so to speak just kinda like ahhh ohhhhh kinda feeling.

Thats about it it was fun only a one time thing.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85839
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 20, 2011Views: 2,426
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Oxytocin (548) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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