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A Little Extra Pop in My Step
Citation:   kevdog. "A Little Extra Pop in My Step: An Experience with Methylone (exp85993)". Oct 22, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 100 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
  T+ 1:30 50 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:25 100 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:25   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 4:13   repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 4:13   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
First to start off a little background. I’m an avid cannabis user for about 5 years now and have done just about every mainstream psychedelic (Mushrooms multiple times, Acid 6 times, Datura once and never again, and Salvia) also I recently learned of the expansive RC world (I have taken 2C-I, and a few JWH’s but I’m interested in all RC’s). Aside from psychedelics I also enjoy a range of prescription meds, cocaine, and the mother of all opiates, H.

Setting: My new house with three friends. All of us are excited for the new experience to come. We all have about the same amount of chemical experience. Almost three in the afternoon, smoking all day till this point. Currently listening to G-love.

Me: 100 mg orally in a gel cap, 50 mg booster later, 100mg booster (135lbs)
R: 100 mg orally in a gel cap, 50 mg booster later, 100mg booster (160lbs)
D: 100 mg orally in a gel cap, 50 mg booster later, 100mg booster (165lbs)
P: 100 mg orally in a gel cap, 50 mg booster later, 100mgbooster (165lbs)

+0:00: 2:57 Ingest initial dose. Put on White Album.
+0:27: Everyone noticing slight palm sweating. Put on Supper Smash. Little charters are quite entertaining. I notice a slight rise in awareness and energy. White Album still playing.
+0:43: Noticeable tingling around muscles. Very pleasant. Quite content to sit and watch the movie. Raised heart beat. (the movie did not last long, maybe 20 min)
+0:56: Very light head with a slight tension in the neck. Very enjoyable looseness of limbs.
R: Went to store to get gum and other supplies, because I noticed I had sweaty palms (always my first indication that something is “different” in my body), I also starting to notice the need for some gum, so maybe some slight clench jaw going on, slight upset stomach. While walking around the store I noticed that I had extra energy, like a little extra pop in my step.
+1:09: Increased need to converse and noticing more of a tension in my back. This is not unusual for me because I have scoliosis.
+1:20: Increased sweating noticed by everyone. Nice body high. Thinking of taking booster soon.

+1:30: Me and R snorted it. D snorted half and ate the rest and P ate it Intranasal this feels similar to really shitty coke with a hint of vinegar.
+1:45: More energy but still relaxed. Tightness in back has released. Very pleasant body high. Tingling in sensitive areas. Back to smash.
+1:58: R: Body feels very nice and comfortable. The ache from my arthritis is completely gone, body just feels nice. Much like x, only not as much of a rushed feeling.
+2:15: Smoked a bowl, brings about a bit of relaxation. Some jaw tension, gum is a god send. Starting to feel increased affects. No drip or discomfort. Pupils not too dilated. Music is good, movement is slightly labored.
+3:05: A new warmness is developing around me it is very pleasant.

+3:25: Everyone redosed with another 100mg nasally. Going to take a walk and smoke a joint.
+4:00: Walk was very nice. Noticed a visual softening of objects like on MDMA or 2c-i. Walking was very pleasant, brought on another layer of warmth and joy
+4:13: We all decide to head to D’s house and finish off the night with a fat session and a few beers. Everyone is noticing a gradual lessening of affects. The come down is actually not bad at all and very gentle.
+5:30: I leave D’s house and head home to sleep. Sleep comes easily although not much is needed. I went to bed when I got home and got up at 4am with tons of energy.

After notes:
I believe this chem. should be dosed along the similar lines of MDMA. I will be getting more of this chem. and doing more intensive studies. I feel as if the full potential was not reached today and will have a sweet spot.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85993
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 741
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Methylone (255) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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