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A Little Odd Emotionally
by Zop
Citation:   Zop. "A Little Odd Emotionally: An Experience with Kava (exp8604)". May 3, 2004.

720 mg oral Kava (capsule)
While searching for the 'correct' cough medicine to use in the drug store, I noticed that they had a bottle of dietary supplement pills called Kava kava. I remembered reading about it on the internet, and thought to gave it a try. When I got home, I found that there was not much on the site I checked about kava...

-The pills were 200mg with 30% kavalactones (60mg a pill).
-The bottle says three pills daily (180mg).
-I ate a half hour ago, a belgian waffle.

A few other users' comments were not greatly descriptive on the amount taken, so I made a guess of 700mg of the kavalactones. Which was 12 pills... and these pills were the bigger kind, but I managed to down them and hold them easily.

The other users' comments said that it took more than an hour to feel anything. It was 5:30 in the morning, and I had no sleep. After an hour went by, two friends and I went to a park to look around out of boredom.

I think it started working about 2 hours later, but it was very light, if not being completely imagined. My sleepiness probably did not help, but I have been up for 24 hours before, and I do know how it normally feels like.

It is now 12 hours later, and I have been feeling a little odd emotionally since then. Not in a bad way, but nothing much good, either. I had a stomach ache for about 30 mins a while back, definately from the pills, but it was nothing painful.

Either kava is over-rated, needs to be mixed with something else, or requires a higher dosage. Good luck.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8604
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2004Views: 35,152
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Kava (30) : Not Applicable (38), First Times (2), General (1)

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