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Wonderful Blend of Feelings
Citation:   Cryptix420. "Wonderful Blend of Feelings: An Experience with 2C-I (exp86056)". Jun 7, 2018.

20 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I ingested one capsule of 2C-I (20mg) and my girlfriend did as well. We started just chilling & smoking bowls in her apartment (lots of nice paintings & colors everywhere :D).

T+ 1:00hr - Started feeling almost as if I'd taking adderrall with a little but of mushrooms. It's hard not to compare 2C-I to all the other drugs it's similar to, instead of just perceiving it as a '2C-I' feeling.

T+ 2:00hrs - Adderall effects had mostly worn off, more relaxed & starting to have mild visuals. Still felt very in control and OK with being around people/in public.

T+ 4.5hrs - Very fun visuals at this point. Very green shifted, almost as if everything is essentially green, with different colors on top. Shroomy visuals have worn off, although sound distortion is even weirder than a psilocybin trip.

T+ 6:00hrs - Extremely pleasant and easy to handle visuals.
Extremely pleasant and easy to handle visuals.
Almost feels like a psychedelic for people who can't handle the overwhelming feel that LSD or shrooms sometimes have to offer. Also very sure of MDMA like stimulation & empathetic feelings; more motivation to 'go' in general. Still very notable is the level of control I have over your trip. If I want to see visuals, I can. If I want to feel like you're rolling, I can. If I want to pretty much be normal, I can do that too.
Still very notable is the level of control I have over your trip. If I want to see visuals, I can. If I want to feel like you're rolling, I can. If I want to pretty much be normal, I can do that too.

T+ 8:00hrs - Visuals sort of just faded away without my noticing. The drug started to have a MUCH more MDMA-like feeling to it at this point. More talkative & touchy-feely. Skin begins to feel so incredible it surpasses that of even MDMA. Sex is amazing.

The most unpleasant side-effects I had were a headache the next day (akin to MDMA hangover) & a general feeling of being slightly less happy with the world. Also, the body load feels almost identical to an LSD trip.

Peace :P

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86056
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 992
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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