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Painting the Ceiling Together
Mushrooms - Psilocybe cyanescens
Citation:   Krevency. "Painting the Ceiling Together: An Experience with Mushrooms - Psilocybe cyanescens (exp86094)". Mar 10, 2020.

1.75 mg oral Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (edible / food)
This wasn't a very high dose, or a very strong reaction, but I'm logging it because it was very interesting as far as seeing how one drug can affect different people so differently.

I had done mushrooms before. My friend had sold me an eighth of some cyanescens in a block of chocolate, and I'd had a fun night with it. All the emotional things my friend had cautioned me about had turned out not to be an issue for me. This time, we bought the other 1/8 chocolate, and I split it with my girlfriend, so she could get a taste of the experience. I had told her what to expect.

It was clear pretty quickly that we were having different experiences. I told her about how the popcorn ceiling was moving around, like a sheet on top of dozens of rabbits, and the bumps on the ceiling looked about two inches long, like icicles. We were both giggly, but I thought she was mostly sober (no visuals) until we got outside, on the back porch. I watered one of my plants, splashing water onto the dirt, and she was like, “Wow, did you hear that? That sounded cool.” I heard nothing out of the ordinary.

She kept thinking that her eyes were watering, because her cheeks felt wet, but they weren't. She would wipe her face with her hand, and then her hand would feel wet. She kept feeling little hairs all over her that could couldn't pluck off. Also, strangely, the higher up she was (inside, or on a chair) the lighter her arms were, and the lower she was (like on the porch, or the yard) the heavier they got, and in the yard even her legs got heavier. She swore she could find the ocean by sensing it. One time, I went to the bathroom and she heard the neighbor dog attacking our dog, and killing it, but our dog was in the house.

She had almost no visual hallucinations, but lots of auditory and tactile ones, and I had visuals, but nothing auditory or tactile at all. One moment that we shared, though, when she did have visuals, was looking up at the marbled (read: badly painted) ceiling in our bedroom, showing me that we could swipe a hand across it, in front of our eyes, and move the paint.

We were glowing for quite a while afterwards, and had sex during that time, and it was especially energetic and passionate, the way sex happens in lucid dreams, when you're not holding anything back. Very fun. Both of us, this morning, decided it felt like we had gone to an amusement park or something the day before. It was a good day.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86094
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Mar 10, 2020Views: 1,055
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Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (67) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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