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Better as a Tea
Yerba Mate
by ADC
Citation:   ADC. "Better as a Tea: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp86116)". Sep 18, 2018.

1 oz smoked Yerba Mate (leaves)
This experience with yerba mate was not my first, but this was my first time smoking it. I was first introduced to yerba mate by a Mexican/Chilean family who used yerba mate regularly, like Americans and coffee. Drinking yerba, is pleasant and strong, it give me focus without a crash and burn effect. The best and easiest way to drink it (not traditionally in a gourd), is to boil water, and brew for five minutes, and add a splash of soy milk.

At the time I was calm and relaxed, I just got off the internet and only my sister was home. I had smoked some ground fennel seeds, which had a very thick smooth smoke and was quite pleasant, but no effect. The decision was made, so I grabbed my pipe and smoked a whole ounce of yerba mate, but I would dump the bowl after each hit, since I only wanted to resmoke the burnt leaves. It took me about 10 - 15 hits to finish the ounce, I took three big hits and held them for 30 seconds each, and around 10 small hits I held for 5 seconds.

I felt nothing, literally nothing but a dry feeling in my throat, it was not aggravating just annoying. I hocked a loogie, it was a faint yellow but nothing serious. 30 minutes later still nothing.

I know now that smoking yerba mate is practically pointless.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86116
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Sep 18, 2018Views: 1,421
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Yerba Mate (282) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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