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Is GHB Unpleasant? I Don't Think So!
Citation:   Gunnar. "Is GHB Unpleasant? I Don't Think So!: An Experience with GHB (exp8614)". Jun 30, 2005.

3.0 g oral GHB
Most of the experiences reported of using GHB seems to be very negative, none I have read which says that it has been a glowing or that is has contributed anything to their lives.

First, I think it is important for you to know some background information. I live in Sweden (Icelandic in birth and I have also lived in the US - N.Y and Greensboro N.C). I see two very different cultures here in all ways drugs, social, family etc.. I am 173 cm's and very fit bodybuilding for 10 years 90 kg rock hard.

Lets focus on the drugs. I consider myself as a very experienced user of narcotics. Coke, smack, MDMA, speed, acid, shrooms, pot, foxy, methamphetamine, 2ct7, 10 different types barbs., steroids, you name it and I have probably tried it. Many of the substances I have abused very hard, not to mention alcohol!

Here in the Nordic countries we abuse depressant drugs much harder than people in the US, alcohol, barbiturates, GHB even heroin I think.

People tend to enjoy getting completely train wrecked.

This culture has been inherited from before the Viking age (1000 years ago) of drinking alcohol and getting totally pissed and eating shrooms and going berserk.

I am now 26 years old and have a masters in business from the University of Reykjavik, Iceland. I am happy being able to say that I have come to a point in life (matured - can you say that?) where I have realized that using drugs on a daily basis is not possible if you want to stay focused on something, for most people that is true especially in my job as a stock broker.

I don't consider any of my previous drug use as cool - which I want you to understand very clearly. I can just say to people who have not used drugs or have very little experience that I know some things that you don't have the slightest idea about and probably won't find out in this lifetime. I have seen things that you can't imagine.

Today use cocaine recreationally when being out drinking and socializing with people at pubs or parties.

I have a problem since my teens, SLEEPING, that is where GHB comes into the picture. I was first introduced to GHB approx three years ago. At that time I was heavily using barbs Valium (diazepam, doses at around 50-100mg) and roofies (flunitrazepam 5-10mg which is very available here in the Nordic countries). Problem was that when I was using barbs on a daily basis you can get really fucked after some time. Coordination, trouble talking, fatigue when not high (often for days), just to mention few side effects I felt.

GHB, wow, it has helped me so much. I use it 2-3 times a week 2 - 4 grams dosage (powder). For me 3 times a week is maximum as tolerance my tolerance builds up very fast. Using GHB two days in a row for me is waste, maximum 30% of effect is retained.

GHB makes me sleep so good I always wake up feeling rested and energized.

I ingest two grams listening to some good music and after the 30 minutes when the effects are fully on I take another two. Now one hour after the first hit I get very, very relaxed and if I close my eyes lying on the bed relaxing listening to some good soft music I fall in sleep in matter of 15 - 20 minutes feeling like a baby getting caressed by mom.

GHB has almost always been good for me when taken with ladies. Sex and touch gets so good. I think that the aphrodisiac effects that GHB has is truly amazing.

I get rohypnol on prescription. I use it the days I don't do GHB.

I don't glorify GHB in anyway to be a miracle medicine. The statement I want to make is that it has been a wonder cure for my insomnia, and I think it probably is very beneficiary for others that have similar problems as me.

Be careful with all drugs everyone reacts differently.

I know that you find this very boring, I have never been such a good writer. Thanks for reading.

Cheers from Sweden!


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8614
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2005Views: 19,832
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GHB (25) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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