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Good for Anxiety, Sleep & Tobacco Cessation
Erythrina mulungu
Citation:   a9ymous. "Good for Anxiety, Sleep & Tobacco Cessation: An Experience with Erythrina mulungu (exp86237)". Jan 13, 2018.

    Melatonin (daily)
      Vitamins / Supplements (daily)
  2 capsls oral Erythrina mulungu  
I've tried mulungu three ways:
powder in capsules, size 00, bought online (not currently available)
shredded bark steeped in wine
shredded bark boiled as tea

By far I find it easiest and most effective to use as capsules, although if my goal is to catch a little buzz the wine-steeping method is nice. I use the capsules when feeling anxious or upset, as I have symptoms of PTSD, and find that if I take one or two I can get through a hard day without backsliding into smoking or going downhill into an unproductive mood/snapping at people. I'm not a regular smoker but this keeps me from having to resort to having one or two on a bad day and potentially starting again. Low doses take the edge off without being too sedative, for me anyway; I think its best use is probably more to combat bad states than create altered ones.

For sleep I take melatonin and rotate other supplements/herbs to take with it, and often that is 2-3 caps of mulungu. I try not to take it too regularly, as I found daily use started making me feel a little down after a couple of weeks and also because I seemed to get a tolerance.
I try not to take it too regularly, as I found daily use started making me feel a little down after a couple of weeks and also because I seemed to get a tolerance.
When I have it in capsules I use it a couple-three times a week. Now that I have it only as bark it's more once a week.

Taken as an enhancement to cannabis and alcohol, it creates a very calm and gentle, comforting feeling. It feels more like low-dose valium to me than any other sedative herbs I've taken. I have taken up to four for more recreational use. Essential for air travel, sleeping in hotel rooms, dealing with relatives, etc. The fact that it is actually good for you too (hepatoprotective) is a real bonus, since a lot of recreational stuff is not so good for the liver.

Hoping to find it in capsules again soon.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86237
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: Jan 13, 2018Views: 3,039
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Erythrina mulungu (426) : Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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