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Adderall Couldn't Make It to Work Today
Propylhexedrine & Loperamide
Citation:   Batyoullfly. "Adderall Couldn't Make It to Work Today: An Experience with Propylhexedrine & Loperamide (exp86248)". May 6, 2016.

250 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine
  5 mg oral Loperamide
This summer has been a dry spell for Adderall (amphetamines) and Ritalin (methylphenidate) in my area, and I needed a stimulant to help get me through my strenuous summer session course at my university. I read about propylhexedrine on a forum, hearing it was good for studying, but comes with some odd side effects. I decided to go to my local pharmacy and pick up a Benzedrex inhaler. I also took about 5 mg of loperamide (Imodium) to help deal with the bad gas and diarrhea I usually get when I take stimulants. (To be clear, in terms of stimulants, I have done Adderall, Ritalin/Concerta, Cocaine and, all of them at least 5+ times)

When I got home, I broke open the bottle and took out the menthol/lavender oil/propylhexedrine-soaked cotton tab. I cut the cotton into 4 pieces and put them on the back of my tongue one at a time (to avoid tasting them, which is a little unpleasant) and washed them down with water. Here’s what happened:

12:45 – The actual eating of the cotton tab. I did this on a fairly empty stomach.

1:15 – I feel a little more attentive and clear minded than usual. I feel the need to really want to talk to my friends, and I text a few of them. This effect I have definitely gotten often on cocaine. I start downloading a lot of music too, which I didn’t have a chance to listen to because I was really focused on my work. Also when I burp, I taste the menthol from the cotton.

1:30 – A rush sweeps over my head and I’m feeling very stimulated. I start reading and taking notes for my American History course. I feel only interested in doing my work, aside from occasionally stopping to look up a word on a search engine.

2:00 – The propylhexedrine is really kicking in. My mood is elevated and I have tons of energy, but it’s very focused like Adderall. My appetite is gone, but I don’t feel nausea. I have serious coke dick though, but I’m not grinding my teeth like on other stimulants, I just keep blowing on my lips together as I type. I already have a couple pages of very well detailed notes done (I’m not bragging, normally my note-taking isn’t very in-depth), and I begin to work on a future research paper.

3:00 – The effects begin to wear off, but I still feel very energetic.
3:00 – The effects begin to wear off, but I still feel very energetic.
I take my dog out and listen to my mp3 player. Music sounds better than usual, much more so than usual (this lasted for the rest of the day). I feel like I’m also holding in the need to urinate much harder than usual because of the shrinkage. I don’t get tired at all walking long distances, and the 90 degree humid weather barely bothers me.

4:00 - Feeling basically the same as I did an hour ago. My pupils are also much more dilated than they were before. For some reason I started to read about aimless topics like Ngo Dinh Diem and Pharmacology. Anything to concentrate on.

5:00 to 6:00 – I start to comedown, but it’s very gradual and easy to handle, not nearly as bad as a coke binge or MDMA “I hate everything and I regret my entire life” comedown. I’m anxious, jumpy, and I feel just a bit gloomy at first, but my mood quickly comes back to normal. It wears off gradually and I feel pretty tired for the last few hours of the day. I feel slightly nauseous if I stand for too long. I managed to fall asleep around 11:00 with little problem, even though I am a very light sleeper.

Some things happened occasionally throughout the whole day. I had a weird tingly (think a massage chair) all around and on my scalp and on spots on my arms, legs and neck. My mouth was a bit dry, but I slowly drank water throughout the experience. I think my senses were enhanced a little bit by the propylhexedrine, I could smell my natural odor much better (which happens to me on acid or shrooms) and food tasted a bit better, or at least the taste was enhanced. I also had weird goose bumps, even out in 90 degree weather.

Overall, my experience with propylhexedrine was mostly positive. I was able to get everything I needed done for the day in about 3/4ths of the time it usually takes. It doesn’t inflate my ego and induce paranoia like cocaine or make me act retarded like on MDMA. I would still prefer Adderall or Ritalin over this stuff though. But it’s a useful study tool that’s almost as good. I don’t think I would do this very often, because it’s very vasoconstrictive (meaning it makes your blood vessels narrower) and not good for blood pressure. I’ve been told it’s also dangerous to mix this with most other drugs, especially other stimulants and MAOIs, so if I were the reader I wouldn’t mix with anything, except maybe some cannabis or the occasional cigarette. I would give this drug a B/B+, and if I can’t find any ADHD medicine before my term paper, I’ll probably use this stuff again.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86248
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 6, 2016Views: 8,021
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Pharms - Propylhexedrine (389) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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