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Bath Tub Space Journey
Citation:   Blueo. "Bath Tub Space Journey: An Experience with Ketamine (exp86364)". Aug 18, 2013.

.5 g insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Being a fan of hallucinogens, I've been vaguely familiar with Ketamine for a while. A close friend of mine practically lives at raves and has done it numerous times. I'm mostly into the psychedelic scene (LSD, Mescaline, Shrooms, and even DMT once), but when my rave buddy offered me some K, I said what the hell. I enjoy new experiences after all. I didn't know much about Ketamine at the time, but what I did know was that small amounts could give me a dissociative trip similar to Robitussin, and larger doses could send me into the 'K Hole' everyone talks about.

So my friend gave me a dimebag with .5g of powdered K in it and told me that it was enough for 5 trips. I knew he was a raver, so I knew that when he took K, he wasn't going for the K Hole. He would take small doses as a party drug. With that in mind, I took quite a bit more than he suggested because I wanted to make sure I fell into a K hole. Without doing a bit of research, I decided to snort all 500mg of it. Perhaps I'm not the smartest guy around.

I decided to trip in my bathroom, so that if I vomited it wouldn't get on my carpet. I put it in a line on my counter and turned on the shower. I snorted the line and could feel it instantly. It felt very nostalgic, like I had been in this realm before. It reminded me of the Robitussin trip I had tried in my early teens. My head felt light and I felt dizzy, but I had a sense of euphoria. The trip got extremely intense in a very short time. I stepped into the shower and watched in amazement as the water hit my face and body. I could see it hitting me but I couldn't feel it at all. The shower curtains I had just had my hands on seemed miles away and all of a sudden the sound of the shower seemed muffled and distant. I stretched my arm out in front of me and it seemed so distant and foreign. My arms and legs felt tense, too. I decided then that it would probably be unsafe to remain standing in the slippery tub, so I shut off the water and sat down.

Time seemed to slow down at this point. The tiles of my shower seemed to grow, my distance perception was totally wacked. The lines in the tiles also seemed to become more vivid and etched. The sounds of the ventilation fan was coming at me in waves, the trip began to become very overwhelming within the first 15 minutes. The light in my bathroom seemed so bright and powerful, but it began to fade. I was starting to get uncomfortable, and I was panicking a little because I was barely able to move.

My physical form meant nothing to me in a matter of minutes, however, as my mind ascended from my body. The bath tub I was in was no longer there, neither was my body. I felt like a floating entity in the middle of infinite space. I also felt as though I was tumbling, doing somersaults in space. When the tumbling began to slow down, I felt as though I were upside down, though direction should have meant nothing in space. I also felt as though I were surrounded by every human, living and dead, and that they were all staring at me and into me. I felt as though all my secrets were exposed, that everyone human in existence knew everything I was feeling and thinking. It was terrifying. I believed that I would never escape, it felt like eternal judgment. I thought that even if I somehow killed myself, I would not escape. This was the most intense part of the K Hole.

I'm not sure how long that lasted, but as I started to come down from the peak I began to think about strange things. I started to visualize myself in school. All these people sitting at desks and looking up at the overhead, the whole situation made no sense to me. I also began to think about God. The concept of god made no sense to me either. An invisible all-powerful entity? Why is the entity worshiped? What is its significance? Soon after that I started thinking about 'drugs'. I knew that 'drugs' had done this craziness but it didn't matter. I felt as though I had broken the universe permanently and that my life would never be the same. I believed that for the rest of eternity I would be a disoriented, confused, tumbling entity in space.

It felt as though a year had passed, but finally I began to recognize where I was, I began to regain my senses. After the overwhelming insanity of the k hole, the rest of the trip was actually rather fun, though I was mentally exhausted. I stumbled into my room and listened to some trippy music and even danced around a little. I could understand why low doses were used as party drugs, this was nice. I couldn't enjoy it for long though, I was very tired. So I went to bed despite still being somewhat high. I'm not sure how long the whole experience would have lasted, but the Krazy K Hole only lasted an hour. That was the longest hour of my life.

I've definitely learned my lesson though, there's no way in hell I'd try a new drug without first knowing what the recommended doses are. Guessing what a good dose is could have led to far worse than an overwhelming K Hole.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 18, 2013Views: 12,339
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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