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White Punks on Pills
by Kat
Citation:   Kat. "White Punks on Pills: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp864)". Oct 20, 2000.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
My parents were taking me on a vacation to go see my grandparents in South Carolina, for a week, so I decided I wanted to do something the night before, kind of a going away thing with some friends. Well two friends and I asked a friend of my parents to take us to a concert at a club in RI (the show was all ages so my friends and I who are 14 and 15 got in no problem). I was already in a good mood, getting away from school for a week, and just had a lot of energy and a free feeling. I hadn't done E in about a month, so I was looking forward to it.

I dropped the E (a small pink pill shaped like a stopsign) at around 6:45, when I stood up to get out of the car at 7:20, I had the floating happy feeling and I couldn't stop smiling. We were seeing Powerman 5000, so it was heavy, high energy music, and everyone was crowded in the mosh pit. By 8, the music had started and I was rolling hard, with all the bodies around me, it felt wonderful! I started playing with people's hair and jewelery, and had my pacifier there to suck on, though the beaded sting it was on got broken. everyone was smiling at me, I could see right into everyones head, it was as if I was best friends with everyone in there.

I asked a guy to put me up to crowd surf, and let me say this, it was the greatest feeling of my whole life. Hands feeling me everywhere, holding me up, and just being thrown around gently everywhere. The only negative was that by the time the headlining band came on around 10, I was well over the peak of the trip and coming down, which made the rest of the show not that great. Next time I know I'll bring at least two pills, but I highly recomend the punk/rock concert atmosphere, as crowd surfing is AMAZING on E.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 864
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 20, 2000Views: 4,742
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MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), General (1)

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