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A Day of Ups and Downs
Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens
Citation:   shroomn00b. "A Day of Ups and Downs: An Experience with Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (exp86472)". Jun 19, 2020.

3 - 4 g oral Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens
My substance experience is fairly decent. I smoke pot as much as any regular Canadian college kid maybe a little more than average. Ive done the party drugs MDMA, ex, cocaine on occasions. But this would be my first time trying something psychoactive. So I did all the necessary prep reading. My friend got an ounce of shrooms. The guy he got it off is into stuff like mescaline and DMT and he assured us this was the best we could get in all of Ontario.

So me and a bunch of my close friends decided to meet up on Canada Day crisp summer weekend and go on this ride. There were 5 of us in total. We couldn’t really find anyone to watch over us because everyone wanted to try it. Some of them had mild trips with shrooms before, nothing sensational. We decided to meet up in the suburbs at the house of a 6th person who was working and was supposed to join us within a few hours.

Now I had to travel about an hour to get to the venue, So I was the last one to get there. 4 of them had already consumed some about 40 mins before me. When I first saw them, they were all in a pleasant mood, feeling hilarity and laughing at everything and everyone and kept telling me to join them in their state. So I quickly chewed down about 3 grams and was playing the waiting game while watching the 4 of them trip out. We were waiting on the driveway of the 6th guy. So I guess our initial environment wasn’t ideal. Within about 15 mins, I started feeling heaviness settle in around my head.
Within about 15 mins, I started feeling heaviness settle in around my head.
It was bright and sunny and as I started looking around, all the colors became more vibrant, I started noticing everything in detail, I could notice the sunlight shining off the green lawn grass. My auditory senses were heightened too, I could hear every little sound around me, the birds, leaves on trees, cars driving by in so much detail.

I could tell that I was still not close to where my other 4 friends were. Suddenly one of my friends started to get anxious, he closed his eyes and sat down on the driveway with his back resting against the garage door. I asked him if he was ok and all he said was that I had no idea what he was going through. I tried to calm him down by telling him to breathe and just accept it instead of thinking about it. It didn’t really work I guess, because after a few mins for some reason he got up, went and sat inside one of my other friends parked Jeep wrangler on the passenger side. I thought he wanted to be more comfortable so I dint say anything, his eyes were still shut and his head was swaying from side to side and 2 mins later he puked his guts out in the backseat. It was like he had no control over what just happened.

That triggered a negative onset for everyone there. As I said before no one was supervising and since I had taken it latest, I felt responsible and felt that it was upon me to take charge of the situation. This happened about 30 mins after I had eaten them.
So I took him out of the car set him on the ground and asked him if he still wanted to throw up. He said he was ok and that he dint feel sick anymore. At this point the owner of the wrangler was still trying to take in what just happened and that someone had just regurgitated his insides in his car. He just sat down in shock holding his head. Keep in mind these guys had just started peaking.

I kept myself calm and called the puke dudes gf so she could come and take care of the situation and take him home. She was nice about it and she even agreed to help clean up the mess from the car. As soon as she got there I decided that I dint need to be in charge anymore so I sat down and started focusing on my trip and all my senses whilst she and the owner were cleaning. I felt bad for him but I realised there was no point in focusing on it. I could feel the trip gradually increasing, I did the waving hand test and my fingers were trailing and then I started laughing and laughing even while the other 2 were still cleaning. I started feeling a sense of euphoria something like what I felt doing MDMA only difference was that it kept increasing and kept getting better. The puke guy and his gf finally left and there were 4 of us left. The Jeep owner was still depressed about his car.

Meanwhile I was loving my ride and everything that I was feeling. The sense of euphoria was soooooo high that it started to get a little overwhelming, but then I remembered what I read and started thinking positive and was focusing all the positive and beautiful things in my life and within minutes the overwhelming feeling was gone. I felt soo much joy and happiness just sitting on a driveway thinking about life and all the beautiful happy things it has to offer us as humans. I asked myself if there was anything I could do to take this trip/sense of euphoria a step further. The only logical thing that came to mind was SEX! I don’t have a gf neither do I have it on a regular basis so thinking back maybe that’s why I thought about it. But from the moment I thought about it, I started getting aroused, I dint have an erection but I just knew that I needed to have sex! I was looking at clouds moving and I could swear I saw moving penises and breasts. I got sooo horny I asked my friends to call their female friends to “hang out”. I even suggested calling prostitutes. Eventually I sort of accepted that I wouldn’t be getting any.

By this time the 6th guy/owner of the house got back from work. So we finally went into the house and settled on a couch. He turned on his sound system and put on the Planet Earth documentary on dvd. I was still restless coming down from my horniness. I felt I couldn’t sit in one spot for long. I felt an incredible amount of energy and restlessness deep within. I dint want to stay in anymore. So I told them I need to go out and walk around and do something. They agreed. Luckily we happened to be near a big park which had a bluff of some sort. As soon as we started walking, I felt I could run for miles with all this energy in me.
I felt I could run for miles with all this energy in me.
We entered the park and walked on this path with all sorts of greenery around us. It was brilliant especially with the sunlight breaking through the canopy of the trees and butterflies and little bunnies hopping around. I then started thinking about myself again, I started thinking about my life, my family, my friends, past gfs, my college education, about where I was in my life and what I was doing with it and what my role in this life is and stuff like that. I remember that everything started to make sense so much more. I felt like every other thought was an epiphany of some sort. It was extremely raw and very emotional. I could feel the emotions pass through my body like waves.. I thought that I was figuring out everything that I needed to do with myself and my life and all the potential I have.

We eventually reached this bluff/cliff of some sort and sat down and took in the beautiful view. I felt like I had achieved nirvana and that I had learned so much about myself and my life and its purpose that I didn’t know before. It was absolutely brilliant. By far it was the best trip of my life. I felt every possible emotion man can feel.

The sad part is the next day when I woke up, I couldn’t remember any of the epiphanical thoughts and revelations I had.

None of my other friends experienced anything like what I experienced maybe because they let the puking in the car affect them negatively. I've read about people having similar experiences like me. I would love to experience this trip again and be more prepared this time, but unfortunately I cant find shrooms of that quality again.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 86472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 19, 2020Views: 1,302
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Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (185) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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