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4-AcO-DMT & 2C-E
Citation:   JesusGreen. "Personal: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & 2C-E (exp86479)". Sep 27, 2010.

T+ 0:00
22.5 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:20 15 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
10:10PM - Dosed approximately 20-25mg 4-AcO-DMT [doses were eyeballed], while I say orally, it was half sublingual, half oral. I placed it under my tongue, however after ~10-15 seconds I ended up swallowing it rather than waiting longer.

The next 50 minutes went by rather quick, within 15 minutes I could already feel the familiar headspace starting to unfold, however I knew it had a long time yet before it would kick in fully.

11:00PM - Started watching Waking Life, never seen the film before but I'd heard a lot of good things about it, I find 2C-E and philosophical ideas go together really well, so I thought this would be the perfect movie to watch while tripping on both these wonderful chemicals. There was a little 'motion sickness' due to how visual this film was at first, ironically later when I dosed the 2C-E the sickness went away, which is weird since 2C-E is usually said to be the more nauseating chemical.

11:30PM - Dosed approximately 15mg 2C-E nasally, just as the 4-AcO-DMT visuals started to kick in, didn't burn as much as usual however I believe this was due to the weird body sensations I was experiencing on 4-AcO-DMT, I did get somewhat of a burn a little later and a weird tasting drip which tasted much more unusual when already tripping. I have to say it was a more pleasantly weird than unpleasantly weird taste though. The visuals REALLY kicked in about 5 minutes later, immediately the letters on my keyboard (was watching Waking Life on my computer) started to wave about and move, the room seemed to change in size, other objects seemed blurred or distorted.

11:50PM - Turned around to look at my fan and the rest of my room, the metal grid that covered my fan seemed to envelop my entire vision, as I was seeing a similar blue/purple grid all over my room, covering up most of the things and obscuring my vision dramatically - oddly enough it disappeared every time I looked back to the computer. My walls were covered in multi-coloured lines and patterns, there was that familiar red/green outline to everything that 4-AcO-DMT always seems to give me, and everything was rapidly changing size and shape.

Over the next 50 minutes the visual and mental intensity of the trip increased and increased by a crazy amount, the visuals were insane, at times it was hard to see as the visuals were obscuring my vision so much. I got some bouts of paranoia however they faded pretty quickly, I also felt some discomfort in that I wasn't sure whether I needed to go for a piss or not - which I get a lot on psychedelics. One of the interesting visuals was that I saw eyes and faces everywhere, this seems to be a common theme with 4-AcO-DMT and I've noticed a lot of other people who've had this, however I have to say they were much more detailed and realistic - possibly due to the addition of 2C-E.

00:40AM - Waking Life finished, great film, now one of my favourites, learnt a lot from it and found it very deep with a lot of meaning, could definitely relate to it at the time. Anyway, I switched off my computer and got in bed, putting in my headphones and listening to some music. The CEVs were unbelievable, so colourful and intricate, patterns dancing behind my eyelids, colours flowing everywhere. One of the most amazing parts was that I could feel, taste and hear the colours, all my senses seemed to blend into one, at this moment if I had a pencil and paper I feel I could have created some wonderful art. At one point I had a strange insight which I wrote down on my phone: 'Personal space is a place made to store our inner thoughts' - and it was that feeling that seemed to be conveyed to me throughout my whole trip, personal space is like an extension of our brains, where we attach our thoughts to the objects around us - like extra storage, we can rearrange it all we like, and it's ours - your personal space becomes a VERY personal thing during a trip (at least it does for me), and this 'revelation' really interested me.

Now the times are very blurry at this point, so they could be off by 20-30 minutes, aside from the time I went to sleep.

~01:20AM - Decided to go take a piss, ended up spending 5 minutes lost in my eyes in the mirror, the room was breathing and morphing, so much visual activity, I remember at times I forgot why I was in the room. Eventually then managed to get back to my room, however I forgot to listen to music. Had some dark thoughts and imagery, a couple of mental loops which thankfully weren't too hard to get out of, and at some points I did feel like the trip would go bad. I remembered that 'bad' is subjective, and just let go, this did wonders for the trip and the utter bliss returned. I found a note in my phone from around ~1:20 which said: 'The words of understanding are a sword to the forgotten' - and while it doesn't make as much sense to me as it did then, I believe I was thinking about how those put aside and forgotten will hide away from reason and logic, because it is the only way they can disguise the truth that they are unknown. I have another note on my phone that says the following: '1:30am - ringing bells?' - and I remember it clearly, I was getting a lot of audio distortions from the sound of my fan spinning, one of which sounded like loud church bells, they sounded so real I wasn't even sure whether it was a hallucination or actual bells - however I assume it was the former rather than the latter, as it's unlikely they'd be ringing at this time.

~01:50AM - Eventually put my music back on for a while, the CEVs once again were very intense, moving with the music, every colour swirling and dancing as if putting on a personal show for me. The body sensations were quite interesting at this point, I spent about 15 minutes just stroking my arms the feeling was so amazing. Tracers are something I have little experience of, with a few instances of them on my previous 2C-E trips but not much else, this time though the tracers were insane, I remember moving my fingers around really fast and it looked like I had 8 or 9 fingers on each hand - all pointing in random directions. If I moved my phone around the lines where it had been stayed in my vision for about 10 seconds before fading completely, it was surreal.

~03:00AM - Attempted to talk on MSN, didn't work out very well at first but eventually I managed it, my music was now off, but I could still hear music and strange noises coming from the audio distortion of my fan. At this point 'Wise Old Man' by Gong seemed to be playing in my head for some reason, at least, one particular part of the song, and it was quite creepy at times, but interesting nonetheless. I ended up staying on MSN for a couple of hours, just talking to a few people, some about my trip and others just about life in general.

~05:00AM - The visuals started to die down, I ended up watching some porn - unlike 4-AcO-DMT on its own, and much more like 2C-E, getting an erection and reaching orgasm was actually very easy - and 10000x more pleasant than when sober.

~05:20AM - Ended up going to sleep, still tripping, albeit very weakly, I estimate the trip would have lasted another 40 minutes or so if I stayed awake, however I was worn out on the time and wanted some rest.


~2:30PM - Woke up, feeling worn out but great.


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86479
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2010Views: 8,737
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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