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Beautifully Blissful
by 1001
Citation:   1001. "Beautifully Blissful: An Experience with Kratom (exp86549)". Nov 4, 2017.

    Kratom (tincture)
No medications taken and no substances for approx 1 week prior to experience.

After recently deciding to quit the old MJ and other illegals, I became interested in becoming acquainted with 'alternative' and legal substances. So after much pondering and research I decided that kratom might suit me and indeed, what I was looking for in an experience. I purchased some tincture from a reputable vendor and waited with excited anticipation for it to arrive in the post.

When it arrived I tried a small drop on my finger just to gauge if it was as awful tasting as I had heard. IT IS!! I waited until around 10pm and went to the kitchen to prepare it. The house was quiet, with just me and the 2 cats being there. I used a pipette to accurately measure the equivalent of 3 grams and mixed it in with a small amount of chocolate milk. This completely masked the taste. After 1 hour I noticed no discernible effects so I had another 3 grams.

Approximately an hour afterwards I had started to feel very mildly euphoric, so I thought, why not? Have some more, so I did, approx. 4 grams. AND I am so happy I did. After another 20 to 30 minutes I was awash with perfect bliss. I felt no nausea or unpleasant feelings, just pure bliss. I felt comfortable in my chair. Put on some drumming trance music, and kicked back. I noticed very mild CEV's that seemed to be in time with the music. Most of all I just seemed to be very aware of 'feeling'. I loved moving my feet against the wooden floor, as I could sense every individual grain and the cool temperature of it.

I went to bed before returning to baseline and fell asleep very easily. On waking the next day it took me a little longer to wake and get started for the day. I had no hangover effect and just felt like my usual self.

I definitely intend to explore and try different preparations of kratom. A highly wonderful and superb experience.


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86549
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Nov 4, 2017Views: 1,643
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Kratom (203) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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