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Nauseating Nonstimulant
by gary
Citation:   gary. "Nauseating Nonstimulant: An Experience with Atomoxetine (exp86626)". Nov 15, 2020.

40 mg oral Pharms - Atomoxetine (pill / tablet)
The following report details my experience with atomoxetine, or Strattera. I have had experience with many other drugs, including amphetamine and methylphenidate, neiother of which I have atypical responses to.

8:15 AM - I wake up and start to get ready for work.
8:20 - I have something light to eat- banana, glass of milk.
8:30 - figure I'll pop a 40mg atomoxetine my buddy gave to me. I anticipate that it will bring increased concentration at work.
9:15 - off to work. My head feels light.
9:20 - My stomach starts to turn. My thoughts quicken and a vague sense of uneasiness comes over me. It's similar to too much Ritalin but I don't feel stimulated at all.
My thoughts quicken and a vague sense of uneasiness comes over me. It's similar to too much Ritalin but I don't feel stimulated at all.

9:35 - I arrive at work, sweating and flushed. I can feel my blood vessels tightening all over me, especially in the soles of my feet. I have to sit down almost imediately.
9:40 - I feel dizzy and can't keep myself together.
9:50 - My stomach is churning by now. I run to the toilet and vomit several times.
9:55 - Everything feels so unreal. I feel like hell. Can't concentrate on anything. I leave work with the excuse of being sick.
10:20 - Walking around in the fresh air helps a bit. I still feel 'rushes', if they could be called that, of my blood vessels contracting and such - very much like the physical side effects of Ritalin.
11:00 - I'm home again. I fall into a dreamy, lucid sleep for the next two hours.
1:00 PM - I feel better and less nauseated, and can keep food down now.
3:00 - I am back to normal.

Atomoxetine is definitely non-stimulant, though whether this is just an overdose or an atypical response of the drug remains a mystery. I cannot recommend it as a study aid or party drug.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 15, 2020Views: 1,591
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Pharms - Atomoxetine (316) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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