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That Shit It Was Awesome
by Bud
Citation:   Bud. "That Shit It Was Awesome: An Experience with 2C-I (exp86938)". Sep 23, 2018.

T+ 0:00
20 mg sublingual 2C-I  
  T+ 0:15   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A new experience

**INTRO***Ok never tried anything other then cannabis before, so doing 2c-I was going to be interesting. I've always wanted to and finally gave it a shot. Started out with these 2 girls who got it and as soon as they gave it to me I was told to put it under my tongue and let it melt. After that I washed it all down with cranberry juice.

About 15 minutes later smoked about 4 bowls and the we just sat and chilled. We went back to my place and it's already been about an hour and we didnt think it worked. I forgot entirely about even taking it. Well, the 2 girls I was with decided to leave to go to a friends house and invited me and I just stayed home. As I go inside I started watchin dazed and confused thinking this whole drug was just a waste of money.

*****Effects kick in***** Then all of a sudden I start to feel something, well at the point my dad gives me a very disturbing talk which would normally trip someone out and scare them luckily I have a very calm nature as to it didn't bother me. I was really just hoping he didnt figure out I was on somethign but i just told me self he probably just thinks im stoned.

As I left his room thats when the giggles started to set it. So, I left to go out to the park in my neighborhood and I laid down to watch the rest of the movie. After about 10 minutes I could tell something was just weird about the movie I ended up settin my ipod to my side and just staring at the clouds laughing. My annoying little step bro noticed I was acting weird so I had this huge energy rush and figured I'd jus go for a walk by myself. I started towards this neighborhood with my ipod in the whole time. I listened to techno and psychadelic techno.

I can usually listen to that type of music for so long before I start to get bored but this time it was different. It felt like it was my theme song everywhere I walked and sometimes forgot it was even there. I then walked to my friends house and i was still laughin hysterically and knew if people saw me that I probably looked insane. After I knocked at my friends door his grandma answered and I have to say just how she looked was scary as fucckkk. I tried to hold back a laugh just because of how she looked was just weird to say the least.

Anyways, the whole time I'm walking I'm contiously staring at the sky looking at clouds. They were absolutely amazing. All I can remember is that it seemed like I could see the shadow of the cloud moving slower then the cloud. Everything just looked virtual. After I left my friends house I walked across the street to this sloped hill and a pond and just lyed there starign at all the clouds and the sky.

It was just one of those perfect days when the sky was all different shades of colors. I could see patterns in the sky that relates to what people say to be as persian carpets. But it came in waves sometimes I could see it more then other times. But at the time of doing it I could put my finger on what the pattern was and just related it to the bubble shield or whatever it's called from halo.

But it was different in color kind of a pulsing blue. I then got up and started yet again walking and I ended up going to some house in the back of these woods being built. I decided I wanted to go in it so I walked in and went to the top of the stairs and just sat with my feet dangling staring at the mud because it had patterns and just seemed to move around. As all of this is happening I was still all by myself listening to music.

I was just about to leave the house and I was going to jump off the ledge and then thought to myself if my mind was tricking me in a way because the jump didnt look that high but I didnt want to take the risk so i went back into the house and walked down the stairs and outside to find that it was only like a 5 foot jump. Still, it was my first time doing stuff like this so I didn't know what to expect and had to take precations.

I then proceeded to walk to the nearest gas station like a a mile and a half away. The whole way there I walked on the side of a main road and just stared at stars the whole time. By this time the visuals had started to fade and wasn't as strong but the time perception was horrible. Felt like it took hours until I reached the gas station.

I wasn't really hungry but I just had the urge to buy some type of food because I knew I'd be later plus I just wanted to walk. By the time I got there I realized I left my money at home. I started back home and by this time the effect were almost completely wore off other then the feeling good part.

As I started to feel normal again I called those 2 girls up and was like wtf was that shit it was awesome. Ever since then deffinately want to try it again with friends this time in probably something like a state park. I never appreciated nature and life as much as I did that day.

Seems like everyone takes the littlest things as clouds for granted and i spent about 4 hours staring at just how amazing they are. 1 thing that is a bitch is probably the muscle tension afterwards it sucked. Other then that it was awsome.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86938
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Sep 23, 2018Views: 710
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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