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DXM Drug Test
DXM & Drug Testing
Citation:   SKeeTraD. "DXM Drug Test: An Experience with DXM & Drug Testing (exp86965)". Aug 24, 2010.

141 mg oral DXM (extract)
    oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I am an experienced DXM user, and have been unable to do any other illicit substances because I am planning on joining the navy. I bought a at home drug test because I wanted to see if my piss was clean from thc and to see if robos came up on pee tests. (I enjoy taking psychotropic drugs and plan on continuing to take them even if I am accepted in the military). I had read online that robos came up as pcp or opiates sometimes and wanted to find out for sure. The purpose of this report is to share my findings.

Preparation: I had distilled DXM from cough syrup using the agent lemon technique. Also I had started drinking heavily earlier.

Start: About 10pm I began taking the distilled dxm with cranberry juice and vodka. I finished drinking it at about 10:30pm.

The next morning: I took the pee test at 2:45pm. At first it seemed as though it was testing positive for pcp but when the test was complete, pcp and opiates were both negative. I have pictures of the test box, and the results, that I can furnish upon request.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86965
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 24, 2010Views: 10,608
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