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More Than I Expected and More Than I Wanted
Methylone, 2C-D, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis
Citation:   Skullfarmer. "More Than I Expected and More Than I Wanted: An Experience with Methylone, 2C-D, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis (exp87056)". Apr 23, 2020.

T+ 0:00
220 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:10   inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:00 30 mg oral 2C-D (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
  T+ 3:45   inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
  T+ 6:00 0.25 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam (pill / tablet)
Methylone and 2C-D Gumbo

I'm a very experienced person in the realm of psychoactive chemicals with many phenethylamine and tryptamine experiences under my belt. This would end up the second time I tried 2C-D and about the 5th time I've taken methylone.
This would end up the second time I tried 2C-D and about the 5th time I've taken methylone.
The first 2C-D trip I had I consumed 50mgs and had an awesome time with little to no negative effects to speak of. I did however decide I could handle 60mgs the next time I took it. Methylone had been used at doses of 150mgs to 180mgs but this time I was thinking of taking 220mgs and see if it could be as good as pure MDMA.

Since I'm usually never alone I decided to take full advantage of the wife going out of town for a few days.
00:00 I weighed out 220mgs methylone and swallowed it in a capsule at 4:30pm.
00:30 Smoked a few hits of a bowl and put on some Uberzone.
00:45 Starting to feel a warm wave start to roll up in my body. I feel the need to bob my head to the great tunes blasting on the stereo.

1:00 Feeling awesome!! I'm chillin on the sofa feeling like a million bucks. Eyes feel heavy and want to roll back a lil in my head. I just want to close my eyes and sink into the sofa so what better way to do that than to take a balloon of nitrous.
1:10 I take in the whole balloon of nitrous and hold it and *woosh* OMFG! I would say it felt good but actually I just disappeared into nothingness. The music just took me away for what seemed like forever but it was just a couple of minutes.
1:30 smoked a few more hits of bud and talked myself into taking some 2C-D after the Methylone peak to keep it going a little longer. I had read the whole 2C-D 'tofu' anology and even though I had taken 50mgs before and had strong results, I figured a 30mg booster after the methylone peak would be the perfect amount.
2:00 I took the 30mgs 2C-D in a capsule. I was still feeling the methylone pretty strong but I was impatient. I took another balloon of nitrous while I waited for the 2C-D. Another awesome wave of rushing, blasting, music poured over me for a few minutes
2:45 starting to feel some awesome rushes in my body that feel like I had just took in a balloon of nitrous but its been over 30 minutes since I last hit the nitrous.

3:00 My eyes are starting to roll back in my head. I still have the same Uberzone cd going and it is getting better and sucking me deeper into it as the 2c-d takes hold. Visuals are starting up quite nicely. I've been setting on the sofa, watching tv and started to get bored, so I tossed on a porn dvd and tried to reach climax. The erotic side was calling. In no time I was at my first climax and it went off like a volcano! Super intense! Then I was having multiple climaxes and had to stop wacking it in fear that I may come myself inside out. lol.

3:45 I decided to hit another balloon of nitrous and was completely swept away in a vibrating orgasmic full body spasm.
4:15 My thighs are starting to spasm and vibrate and it feels good but its also becoming annoying.
5:00 The experience is still very intense. Visuals are going strong still. I see the people on tv in frames and not a constant motion. the colors have flooded all over the screen and are not confined to the lines that should hold them. I started to feel an urge to gag and thought I was gonna vomit. Lucky for me it was only an air bubble because I didnt have time to really think about it and it was out. For the next hour I was stuck in brain loops and for some reason 'karplunkt karplunkt' meant something. It made perfect sense at the moment but now it just sounds stupid.
6:00 I was still feeling strong effects from the combination but it was getting late and I needed to come down and get to bed. I took a peach xanax and realized that wasn't gonna do much anytime soon so I took two 1mg ativan to bring the trip to an end asap.
6:30 I took a shower to try to wash the trip off I guess and that seemed to help along with the ativan and xanax I'm sure.
7:00 I crawled into bed and before I knew it I was out.

I didnt get any good sleep that night, I was just knocked out. I went to work the next morning feeling drained with a slight headache that was never too painful. I took a couple asprin and that helped alot. Overall it was more than I expected and more than I wanted. If I wasnt as experienced with psychedelics I may have freaked out due to the intensity but I've had more intense trips so I just tried to keep positive thoughts in and all the 'am I going to die?' thoughts out
I just tried to keep positive thoughts in and all the 'am I going to die?' thoughts out
of my head.

I will never take these 2 at this dose again. I'm getting older and I keep forgetting that I'm not 20 anymore.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87056
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Apr 23, 2020Views: 928
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Methylone (255), 2C-D (103) : Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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