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Twilight Zone the Fifth Dimension
JWH-018 & Damiana
Citation:   Holyhell. "Twilight Zone the Fifth Dimension: An Experience with JWH-018 & Damiana (exp87060)". Feb 8, 2011.

  smoked JWH-018 (powder / crystals)
    smoked Damiana (plant material)
I had been hearing much talk about this 'new' legal bud that was being sold at head shops in my area. I have been a pot smoker for many years by this point and saw no purpose in reinventing the wheel so to speak. Drug tests are easy enough to beat and I throughly enjoy a good cannibus buzz. However a dear friend of mine took a vacation to Las Vegas and returned with several 3g packets of King Krypto Max, one of which he presented to me as a gift. He instructed us to take it easy and see how it would affect us lest we overindulge. A couple of tokes was all that was required and we were buzzing like hell. When I say we, I mean my wife and I. We were very impressed with the quality of the high. Enough that we decided this would become our new drug of choice for evening relax time. This continued to be our evening sedative/relaxant for apx. 2 weeks. UNTIL it was time to re-up.

Upon inquiring at a local headshop about the availability of a quality blend the owner flipped out and lectured me on the horrors of using this new substance. According to him, they were simply soaking various herbs in acetone. Furthermore, he claimed the emergency rooms were flooding with people experiencing seizures because of this new drug. This was not the response I was expecting. At that point I decided it was time to do some more research. I decided the only way to be certain that I was not smoking paint thinner residue was to make my own.

I was able to find some 99.97% pure JWH-18 at a reasonable price and high quality Damania, Mullein, Marshmallow Leaf and Lobilia. I used 151proof rum to apply the JWH-18. The result was a smooth aromatic smoke with a decent buzz. I can smoke a 3/4 gram joint between 2 or 3 people with no fear of over doing it. At this point I had no idea of what overdoing it meant.

At approximately 9;30pm my wife and I retired to our smoke room and turned on the TV. As I set down I realized that I still had the ALMOST empty container in my pocket that the JWH-18 had shipped in. I banged the container hard against the edge of the table to loosen any powdery residues from the edges or corners of the vial. Using my pocket knife I scooped what I guessed to be apx 1/2mg. or less on the tip of the blade and sprinkled it atop a fresh packed bowl of my new creation.

I attempted to only light the very edge of the bowl so my wife could have the other half, but once a cherry formed I seen all of the powder disappear. Didn't consider that JWH-18 vaporizes at a significantly lower temperature than the herb. By the time I passed the bowl to my wife and exhaled I knew something was fixing to go wrong. I had the presence of mind to stop my wife from taking her puff, all I could do was say, STOP! I DON'T THINK YOU WANT TO GO TO WERE I AM HEADING'.

9:45pm Suddenly I found myself in the Twilight Zone the fifth dimension. Responding to my wifes ceaseless questioning was becoming ever more difficult to give a understandable reply to. I have been through some rough rides before and this one I could already tell had the makings of a nightmarish event. Attempting to keep my self as calm and relaxed as possible I tried hard to focus on the sound of my wifes voice. I could not focus my eyes on anything except for a brief moment and then my peripheral vision would cause major distortion. This cycle sped up until trying to see became like a slide show. I requested that the TV be turned off because of the obnoxious sounds and light being emitted from it.

10:00 pm I was once envenomated by a rattlesnake while attempting to save its ungrateful ass from a roadway. Before the venom stopped my heart completely I felt a feeling of implosion, like I was folding into myself. Yes it hurt. This is the only way I can explain the tightness I felt in my chest and ribs. My wife laid her head on my chest to listen to my heart she said ' it sounds like a slow hard beat.' Our best estimate is that my pulse slowed to apx 50 beats a minute give or take a few. I felt I needed to make myself breath that without making my lungs inflate and deflate that I would not automatically breath. There is a word that defines this problem but I can't think of it right now.

10:15 Time became meaningless and reality a nuisance. Life seemed scripted and pointless. I was trying to figure out which reality I belonged too and pondering how long it would take to starve to death from malnutrition because surely I would never eat again. The concept of chewing something and swallowing it was unthinkable.

10:30 My wife suggested that I drink water to try to flush my body or at least dilute my blood some. My attempts to drink proved futile after a few attempts. I could bring the bottle to my mouth and pour some in but it took considerable effort to swallow. I kept getting lost in thought and waxed and wained between my physical discomfort and mental anguish. I kept looking for an indicator that I was coming down. These highly uncomfortable feelings continued for the next half hour or so.

11:00pm Stop this train I want to get off! Feeling like I had been strapped in to a really poorly designed roller coaster for the last hour plus exhaustion started to overtake me and I became weary. Fear of me lapsing into a diabetic coma troubled my wife immensely. She checked my blood sugar and it was within reasonable boundaries. I asked for a tums to chew. While she was gone I opened the laptop and searched for overdose info in secrecy. Reading at first seemed an impossibility.

11:15 I forced myself to focus. By now I felt trapped in a dreamlike state and things began to seem more real. My wife did most of the reading and I managed a smile and then an occasional laugh.

11:30 The effects of the drug were starting to ease off and I felt so grateful. In my younger days I have experienced 8 and 10 hour trips that were very intense. Since then I have vowed never to intentionally endanger my physical or mental stability to that degree again.

12:00 I felt comfortable leaving the smoke room and venturing to our bedroom where I promptly fell asleep.

5:30 am I awoke to the sound of my alarm feeling well rested and refreshed. That is one of my favorite things about this drug. Much like a good sativa it doesn't make me feel bombed out and hungover.

Thank all the people who shared their experiences it really helped me hang on to reality if only by a thread.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Feb 8, 2011Views: 10,245
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JWH-018 (483) : Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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