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I Began to Doubt My Readiness
DMT & Passion Flower
by Pete
Citation:   Pete. "I Began to Doubt My Readiness: An Experience with DMT & Passion Flower (exp87096)". Apr 21, 2021.

35 mg smoked DMT
  165 mg smoked Passion Flower
New Respect for DMT

I will make this report short and sweet. I am as experienced as people can be with psychedelics, including DMT, but this experience was by far the most intense by far. To give some context to this story, I had been lucky enough to get a good deal on some Dilaudid from someone in my hometown, and the 3 previous days to the experience I was using between 4-10mg of hydromorphone. Two days before the trip, I smoked 35mg of DMT with some friends out of a bong, and had been smoking passion flower earlier in the day. I had what some call a 'break-through' experience, but was too distracted by my friends watching me. This is just a little information to set my mind state.

The morning of the experience I woke up at about 11am and took a shower. While in the shower I was considering taking the other dose of DMT I had with some passion flower to see how different it was. After toweling off I mixed the 35mg of DMT in a bowl will layers of passionflower on either side, a total of about 200mg. While letting out the first hit I began to doubt my readiness for such a powerful combination, and that's when things started to go sour. I forced myself to take an even larger hit the second time, and as I released the smoke I could feel myself being ripped from the fabric of reality with no shred of my ego intact. As this happened in a matter of under 15 seconds, and continued for another 3 to 4 minutes, I was a little thrown. I immediately thought of my options, and came up with 1) run outside screaming, 2) start screaming in my room, or 3) go to the bathroom. As soon as I thought of the word bathroom I felt very naseous, so I picked the third option.

I wedged myself between the wall and toilet and started noticing the visual aspect, which until this point had been very muted. I was now seeing auras of green, red and blue waft over reality and stain the objects behind it. I looked into the toilet and saw the water stains, which morphed into shit pouring out of the little water holes. I began to think this would never end, but reassured myself it was only DMT. But then I remembered adding the MAOI, and began to worry how much longer it would last. I sat in my bathroom, watching the shit fall and the colors breathe, until I was able to stand. When I went back in my room it was about 11:24am, and I was still having some active colors floating in my line of sight, and the incredible head charge didn't seem to be fading. I decided the best thing to do to 'restore normality', I got dressed and left my room. When I got into the hallway, there was a person front of me. When they sensed me, they stopped walking and turned to me. It was a kid who lived across the hall, and for some reason he asked me if I was ok. To my knowledge there was nothing apparently the matter with me, so I'm not really sure why he asked. I felt very alienated by that question and hurried outside.

As soon as I went outside I was relieved of my anxiety and seemed to return to normal, with slight visual distortions. I walked for a while until I came down, but I wasnt feeling totally baseline until about 1:30pm.

Overall I would say this is not a combo to be taken lightly. Definitely gonna do it again though.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87096
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 21, 2021Views: 1,357
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Passion Flower (121), DMT (18) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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